Rods Precision Cutting-Off And End Surface Grinding VEC-300,500,600G 射銷圓棒切斷及研磨機 FEATURES 1. During operation, the grinding sander may be micro adjusted and repaired without changing its dimensions 2. The tightness of belt may be automatically adjusted and controlled (the larger the resistance, the tighter the belt.) 3. The dimensions precision of cutting off the length of working piece are not subject to the effect of the difference of thickness of cutting – off sander piece. 4. The rapid chuck is used to hold the working quick, and Ø1-25mm is the same. 5. When operation, a shaft with two tapered ends is used for transmission and characterized by high stability low wearing rate and long life. 6. The rapid positioning rule is in the unit of 20mm and provided with a micro rule (0mm to 25mm) of which the zeroing point is the dimensions at the rapid positioning point. 7. The minimum of cutting length is 60mm 鹰牌铣床配件:精密机械虎钳,分度盘,鹰牌铣床配件:精密机械虎钳,油压,磨刀机鹰牌液压虎钳, MC虎钳,鹰牌铣床配件:磨刀机精密机械虎钳,分度头,夹头,鹰牌万能夹具,鹰牌U2磨刀机,夾鉗卡盤鹰牌铣床配件:精密机械虎钳,鹰牌磨床配件:鹰牌冲子研磨器, U2磨刀机,砂轮修整器,磁盘/钳, U2磨刀机,鹰牌磁性座,夾鉗卡盤,消磁器, U2磨刀机,磁性工具系列,鹰牌磁铁过滤机,大理石鹰牌检测定盘,U2磨刀机,鹰牌刀杆,筒夹系列:筒夹, U2磨刀机,夾鉗卡盤,夹头鹰牌,钻夹头, U2磨刀机,鹰牌搪孔器系列,气动式悬臂攻牙机,鹰牌攻牙主轴,鹰牌切削中心机配件系列: NC分度盘,尾座,夾鉗卡盤,鹰牌MC虎钳,底座,角度座,鹰牌油雾吸尘清净机,鹰牌车床配件:夾鉗卡盤,高速活动顶针,鹰牌夹头, U2磨刀机,卡盘,鹰牌夹盘配件,夾鉗卡盤,3/4爪夹头,软爪,鹰牌硬爪,VDI刀杆,鹰牌义车车刀架,夾鉗卡盤鹰牌特殊精密机械:精密端/立铣刀研磨机,精密鹰牌鑚头研磨机,磨刀机,夾鉗卡盤,机械虎钳 |