颜色:黑色密码工具箱、黑色裁膜台 | 隔热率:51(%) | 尺寸:开业赠送大礼包(m) |
产地:国内外 | 加工定制:是 | 类型:汽车膜 |
透光率:41(%) | 型号:套装工具带烤枪的、产品展示简易架,裁膜台 | 防紫外线率:99(%) |
适用车型:高档小轿车 | 品牌:威固金甲 |
优秀品质,专业性能Excellent quality Professional performance
Check out before work: check glass of window, paint of car, car window and rear windscreen defogger
Check out items: remind customers to check out items in the car and keep them with due care
Cut the film: cut the film according to the sizes of front windscreen, side windscreen and rear windscreen.
Workshop cleaning: keep the workshop in certain temperature. Best remove dust by air spray before working.
Protective measures:put a towel or protective cover on the electronic equipment to avoid affect of water spray.
Glass cleanness: clean the outside of glass
Heat shrinking: use heat gun to heat the film and let it shrink and form a shape suitable for the glass
Standard precise cuts: make the final cut by the side of car window
Dedusting inside the car: close the door of the car and spray to the top of the car to dedust.
Clean the window: use soapy cleaning solution and soft cloth to clean the glass, rubber hold-down strip and frame of the car window.
Film installation: put the film on the car window according to standard operation.
Cleanness: clean the water on top of the film when the work is finished.
Customer check and acceptance: put all items back and clean the car when the work is finished. Ask customers for check and acceptance.
Maintenance knowledge: introduce customers maintenance knowledge and attentions.
美德龙七大优势Meidelong Seven advantages
保障驾车安全 Ensure safety driving
Study shows when temperature in the cars rise from 21℃to 27℃,the probability of drivers to make mistakes in high temperature rises 50% and the reaction time are 22% more. Therefore, good heat insulation measures together with the air conditioner can increase ability to deal with emergency effectively and avoid accidents. In addition, solar control window film can also prevent additional damage caused by flying glass pieces in the accidents.
防止太阳晒伤Prevent sunburn
The damages ultraviolet can caused to human body includes: cataract, skin cancer, sunburn and aging of skin. The use of heat insulation and explosion protection window film can prevent the damage caused by ultraviolet.
防护您的爱车Protect your car
Infrared rays will make the temperature higher in your car. Intense ultraviolet can make the
interior trim of cars become aged and deteriorated, such as the leather chair, dashboard, plastics and etc, therefore, these parts are not as comfortable as before and load of air conditioning is larger, too. The best way to block infrared rays and ultraviolet is to use Meidelong explosion proof nanometer ceramic insulation film
营造更舒适驾车空间Create more comfortable driving space
Test of competent authorities shows temperature of dashboard drops 10℃when environment temperature inside the car drops 5℃,provided heat insulation and explosion proof window film are used. It takes less than 9% time on average for the temperature inside the car to drop down and makes driving more conformable.
保护隐私Protecting Privacy
Dark colored window film can prevent peeping and protect privacy with high light reflection outside to reduce the transparency. Therefore, belongs and people inside the car will not be peeped by bad people and then damaged.
节约能耗Save energy
With the heat insulation and explosion proof window film,heat sources and
heat conduction can be blocked effectively. The cold room will be as good as expected and oil is saved. Competent authorities verify that the cars with heat insulation and explosion proof window film save about 3% energy.
眩光隔离Glare insulation
The heat insulation and explosion proof window film can effectively block glare, so that driver may know conditions of the car better and ensure safety driving.
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