颜色:暗红色,白色,黑色,灰色 | 系列:粗砾,巨砾,细砾 | 坚固性指标:98.3(%) |
产地:河南6 | 表观密度:0.16(kg/m3) | 堆积密度:0.3(kg/m3) |
泥块含量:0.03(%) | 含泥量:0.01(%) | 品牌:宏发 |
含水率:0.01(%) | 属性:属性值 |
卵石【cobble stone】指的是风化岩石经水流长期搬运而成的粒径为60~200mm的无棱角的天然粒料;大于200mm者则称漂石。卵石[luǎn shí]砾石(卵石)是经过很长时间,逐渐形成的。砾石(卵石)的形成过程可以分为两个阶段,第一阶段是岩石风化、崩塌阶段;第二阶段是岩石在河流中被河水搬运和磨圆阶段。内含有小石子的卵石,其形成原因是破碎的岩块,仅长距离搬运使棱角消失,形成圆柱体,圆锥或椭圆体的石子(或称卵石、砾石),再经胶结的岩石称为砾石。
卵石是怎样形成的?大约在1亿年以前的中生代,在地壳运动的作用下,岩浆冒出地表,快速得到冷却的岩浆便形成花岗岩。此后距今几千年前,由于岩浆入侵引起花岗石错动挤压,从而产生了大量体积较小的石块,那些在水边的石块,经过长时期水的缓慢冲刷和自身的相互滚动,最终形成今天的鹅卵石。卵石是经过很长时间,逐渐形成的。由于地壳运动等自然力的震动风化,再经过山洪冲击,流水搬运和砂石间反复翻滚摩擦,终于形成可爱的圆浑状小卵石。河流流经不同的地质构造,山体有不同的岩石,经过冲刷,就会形成不同成份的鹅卵石。高山上的岩石由于风化作用崩落下来,在河水的冲刷过程中,受到水的搬运作用和相互磨圆,形成了卵石。再硬的顽石,在河水的冲刷下,也慢慢变得光滑,直到浑然天成,光滑如卵。卵石的形成过程可以分为两个阶段,第一阶段是岩石风化、崩塌阶段;第二阶段是岩石在河流中被河水搬运和磨圆阶段。彩砂石子太湖石鹅卵石千层石等颜色:红奶油,青奶油,广红,咖啡,中国啡网,黑底白,螺纹奶油,杭灰,黄洞石,米黄洞石,绿宝,丹东绿,大花绿,米黄玉,黄水晶等,雨山红,汉白玉,墨玉,金香玉等 原来是又粗又大的山石,但经过千百万年雨水的冲刷和彼此之间的相互碰撞,便成了一块块剔透美丽的鹅卵石。
Chinese Name: pebbles
English name: cobble
Definition: size greater than 60mm, and less than or equal to 200mm, with rounded (angular) shape, and its content more than 50% of the total mass, which is larger than 60mm particle size content of more than 75% of the total mass of the earth.
Their subjects: Water Science and Technology (1 subject); rock mechanics, soil mechanics, geotechnical engineering (2 subjects); soil mechanics (Water) (3 subjects)
Cobble stone pebble】【weathered rock that is formed by water long-term transportation for the 60 ~ 200mm diameter free edges and corners of natural aggregate; who claimed more than 200mm boulders.Pebble [luǎn shí] gravel (pebble) is a long time, evolving.Gravel (pebbles) formation process can be divided into two phases, the first is the weathering of rocks, landslides stage; second stage is the rock in the river by river transport and the rounded stage.Contain pebbles of gravel, which was caused by broken rock, only long-distance transport to edges and corners disappear, forming a cylinder, cone or oval body stones (or pebbles, gravel), and then by cementation of rock known as the gravel .
The formation of pebbles
Pebble is formed? About 100 million years ago in the Mesozoic, the role of movement in the crust, the magma emitting surface, rapid cooling of the magma would be the formation of granite. After thousands of years ago, due to the granite magma intrusion caused dislocation extrusion, resulting in a large number of smaller stones, those stones at the water's edge, over a long period of slow water erosion and their mutual rolling eventually leading to the present pebbles. Pebble is a long time, evolving. As the crustal movement of the vibration forces, weathering, and then after the impact of flash floods, water handling and repeated rolling friction between sand and gravel, and finally form a lovely rounded like pebbles. Rivers flowing through different geological structures, different rock mountain, through erosion, they form different components of the pebbles. Mountains of rock caving down as weathering, erosion in the course of the river by water transport function and mutual rounded, forming a pebble.Another hard-hard stone, washed in the river, is also gradually become smooth, until the natural, smooth as eggs. The formation of pebbles can be divided into two stages, first stage weathering of rocks, landslides stage; second stage is the rock in the river by river transport and the rounded stage. Lapis colored sand stone pebbles stone Taihu Shi color: red cream, blue cream, wide red, coffee, Chinese Emperador, black white, cream thread, Hang Grey, yellow travertine, beige travertine, Emerald, Dandong Green, large flowers green, rice topaz, citrine, etc., and the rain the red, white marble, black jade, Jinxiang Yu and other original is thick is big rocks, but after millions of years of erosion and rain collide between each other, it becomes a blockcarved beautiful pebbles.
Applicable to all kinds of filter. The water chestnut-like appearance, better than the surface area, high mechanical strength, without impurities. Extensive role in supporting a variety of mechanical filters ideal cushion layer filter.