加工定制: | 是 |
含量≥: | 99.1 |
材质: | pvc |
厂商: | 河南宏发1 |
密度: | 1.5 |
执行质量标准: | 国标1 |
1. 产品特性: 2. 主要用途: 3. 使用方法:将覆盖球按表面积使用数量加入液体中,覆盖球自然排列规整,覆盖于液体表面,边缘可用其它密封材料密封。 4. 产品规格: 40mm,25mm |
名称 项目 规格
(mm) 数量1600
只/m3 覆盖率80
(%) 耐酸度35% 材质;聚丙烯
【产品简介】 液面覆盖球为聚丙烯圆球,以聚丙烯pp为原料,经发泡、收缩成型的圆形塑料填料,分为带边覆盖球与不带边覆盖球两种型号,带边覆盖球具有重心稳定,边与边重叠,覆盖效果好等特点,其作用是抑制酸雾挥发,保护操作人员健康,减少大气污染和空气对水质的污染,有效提高凝结水质量,有利于发电机组、供热机组的安全运行。液面履盖球经过大量科学实验,在其他同类产品基础上加以改进完善,研究开发出来的最新产品。它有效地解决了液面履盖技术难题,可保护水质、净化环境,安全防火,节约能源。
【产品别名】 液面覆盖球在全国各地又有很多别名、具体有:浮碟、六角形覆盖球 六边形覆盖球 、覆盖球、气液隔离液面覆盖球、水箱用液面覆盖球、酸碱贮罐覆盖球、塔器设备用覆盖球、pp发泡浮球、塑料液面覆盖球、塑料覆盖球、塑料浮球、隔离球、环保覆盖球、锥形覆盖球、带边覆盖球、不带边覆盖球、翼形覆盖球、除盐水箱用液面覆盖球、
【产品用途】 液面覆盖球适用于各种卧式酸贮槽、酸贮罐、水处理中的凝储水箱、除盐水箱,大程度的减少酸雾、空气中的二氧化碳和氧对水的污染,达到保护水质、节约能源,净化环境的作用。适用覆盖于各种具有挥发的液面上。广泛应用于电力系统浓盐酸及凝结水箱的密封材料;石油、化工、氯碱、煤气、冶炼、环保、电力等企业各种卧式酸贮槽;水处理中的凝储水箱和除盐水箱;大程度的减少酸雾,空气中的二氧化碳和氧对水质的污染。覆盖球主要用于液面上层履盖作用。如:用于酸碱贮罐中,可以防止酸碱气体外溢,挥发、减少酸碱气体对外环境的污染,和节约酸碱材料的作用;用于除盐水中,使空气和水隔离可以减少空气中的CO2,O2及灰尘杂质等对除盐水的污染,保证水质量。
【安装方法】 将液面覆盖球按表面积使用数量倒入液体中,液面覆盖球自然排列规整,覆盖于液体表面,边缘可用其它密封材料密封。【多面空心球主要参数】规格mm 比表面积m2/m3 孔隙率% 堆积个数m-3 堆积重量kg/m3 φ50 237 90 11500 82.8 φ38 286 115 25000 80 φ25 118 47 85000 76
【液面覆盖球技术参数】品名 规格mm 密度g/cm3 使用工作温度℃ 耐压强度Mpa 个数n/m2 覆盖率% 孔隙率% PH值范围 耐酸率浓盐酸液面覆盖球 φ40 0.5 ≤120 ≤0.4 710 91 9.5 1-14 36%
【聚丙烯(HCI纯H2O)带边覆盖球主要技术参数】品名规格mm 密度g/cm3 使用工作温度℃ 耐压强度Mpa 个数n/m2 覆盖率% 孔隙率% PH值范围 耐酸率浓盐酸实心覆盖球 φ40 0.3 ≤120 ≤0.4 666 97 9.3 1-14 36%
1. Product Features:
Surface coverage of the ball made of polypropylene (PP) plastic material, this product comes in two models: the ball into coverage with edge surface side surface covered with the ball without the two models. Surface covered with a side of the ball with the center of gravity and stability, the edges overlapping, covering good effect, and its essential role is to inhibit acid mist.
2. Main purposes:
The ball is mainly used for covering the upper surface covers over effect.Such as: storage tank for acid and alkali, acid gas to prevent spills, evaporation, to reduce acid gas pollution of external environment, and conservation role of acid-base materials; for desalting water, air and water so that isolation can reduce air of CO2, O2 and dust and other impurities in brine on the addition to pollution and ensure water quality.
3. To use: to cover the number of balls used by adding the liquid surface, covering the natural arrangement of regular ball, cover the liquid surface, the edge of the other sealing material can be sealed.
4. Specifications: 40mm, 25mm
Covered ball
Surface coverage of the ball, multi-faceted hollow ball, float, solid surface the ball is covered domestic technology development in today's new products, it has a stable center of gravity, the edges overlapping, covering good effect. The ball has two, A for the foam float, B for the ball with a solid edge for horizontal tank, condensate storage tank can reduce acid mist, carbon dioxide in air pollution on water quality.
Technical performance indicators covering the ball surface
Name of project specifications
(Mm) 1600 Number
Only / m3 coverage of 80
(%) 35% Acid resistance material; polypropylene
【Introduction】surface cover of polypropylene ball ball, pp polypropylene as raw material, foam, shrink plastic circular shape filling into balls and covered with a side edge covering the ball with no two models, withedge covering the ball with the center of gravity and stability, the edges overlapping, covering good effects, its role is to inhibit the volatilization of acid mist to protect the health of operators, reduce air pollution and air pollution on water quality, improve the quality of condensed water is conducive to generatingunit, the safe operation of heating unit. Surface covers over the ball after a large number of scientific experiments, on the basis of other similar products to be improved, and research and development out of the latest products. It effectively solves the surface covers over technical problems, to protect water quality, clean environment, fire safety, energy conservation.
【Alias】liquid products throughout the country have covered a lot of ball in an alias, specifically: floating discs, hexagonal hexagonal cover ball ball coverage, covering the ball, gas-liquid separation surface covering ball, water ball with the surface coverage, acid storage tank covered ball, the ball tower equipment cover, pp foam float, the plastic surface covering ball, plastic covered ball, plastic float, isolation ball, environmental protection and covering the ball, conical cover the ball, the ball with the edge covering , without edge covering the ball, wing covering the ball, the ball demineralized water tank with a surface coverage,
【Features】1.Compact design and reasonable, beautiful appearance. Proper selection, acid pressure (pressure 0.4MPa, acid HCl 35% degree of operating temperature ≤ 100℃) 2.The proportion of accurate, stable center of gravity. 3. Ball wing overlap, covers over tight. (Covers over 99% or more) simple, will be required to float dumped into the container to automatically form a uniform covers over layer. Material: PP polypropylene
【Usage】surface coverage of the ball for a variety of horizontal acid storage tank, acid tank, the condensate water storage tanks, demineralized water tank, a large degree of reduction of acid mist, carbon dioxide and oxygen in the air on the water pollution, to protect water quality, energy conservation, clean the environment. Coverage for a variety of volatile liquid surface with. Concentrated hydrochloric acid is widely used in power systems, and condensate tank sealing material; petroleum, chemical, chlor-alkali, gas, metallurgy, environmental protection, electric power companies of various horizontal acid tank; water in the condensate storage tanks and demineralized water tank; large degree of reduction of acid mist, carbon dioxide and oxygen in the air pollution on water quality. The ball is mainly used for covering the upper surface covers over effect. Such as: storage tank for acid and alkali, acid gas to prevent spills, evaporation, to reduce acid gas pollution of external environment, and conservation role of acid-base materials; for desalting water, air and water so that isolation can reduce air of CO2, O2 and dust and other impurities in brine on the addition to pollution and ensure water quality.
【Methods】installation surface using the surface area covered by the number of balls into the liquid, the surface coverage of the natural arrangement of regular balls, cover the liquid surface, the edge of the other sealing material can be sealed.【More】surface hollow ball Size mm main parameters of porosity and specific surface area m2/m3% Bulk weight accumulation of the number of m-3 kg/m3 φ50 237 90 1150 0 82.8 φ38 286 115 2500 0 80 φ25 118 47 8500 0 76
【Technical parameters】surface covering ball Product Specifications mm Operating temperature℃Density g/cm3 crushing strength Mpa with the number of n/m2 coverage%% PH value of the range of porosity rate of concentrated hydrochloric acid surface coverage of the ball φ40 0.5 ≤ 120 ≤ 0.4 71 091 9.5 36% 1-14
【Polypropylene (HCI pure H2O) with a side of the ball covering the main technical parameter Item Specification mm Operating temperature℃Density g/cm3 crushing strength Mpa with the number of n/m2 coverage%% PH value of the range of porosity rate of concentrated hydrochloric acid and solidcovered ball φ40 0.3 ≤ 120 ≤ 0.4 666 97 9.3 1-14 36%