内径:2------9 | 品名:不锈钢无缝管 | 材质:304 |
形状:圆型 | 规格:2-----10(mm) | 用途:工业 |
壁厚:0.2----1 | 产地/厂家:宝钢 | 外径:2----10 |
本厂建与90年代初,具有极强的生命力很发展能力,社会责任心强,具有行业朝气,能够遵守市场规则,讲诚信,讲行业道德,热心公正对待每一位客户,本厂本着质量第一的原则为客户提供加工产品,生产各种类 型的圆形不锈钢钢管,材质 304 316 321 壁厚0.1mm--0.9mm 直径1mm--9mm,欢迎惠顾。
The factory builds capital with the beginning of the nineties , have extremely strong life-force developing the ability , society very much having a strong sense of responsibility , have industry youthful spirit , is able to observe market rules , honor credibility , say industry morality, treat every place customers warmheartedly impartially, the factory is that the customer provides the treating product according to the quality first principle, the steel tube producing various type original shape stainless steel , wall thickness 0.1 mm- - 0.9 mm diameter 1 mm-- 9 mms, welcome to.