产地/厂家:陕西周至 | 品种:樟子松 | 株高:0.1-3(m) |
主干高:0.1-3(m) | 胸径:1-10(cm) | 胸径年生长量:2(cm) |
高度年生长量:50(cm) | 树型:优 | 树龄:1-10年 |
生长环境:苗圃 |
拉丁名 Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litv.
中文名 樟子松
分类 松科,松属为松属植物欧洲赤松的变种。
分布 黑龙江.内蒙古.甘肃
海拔下限(米) 400
海拔上限(米) 1000
Camphor tree child loose - basic overview
Camphor tree child looseOpen classification: Plant, gymnospermous, loose division, varietal
Latin name Pinus Sylvestris Var. Mongolica Litv.
Chinese name Camphor tree child loose
Classify Loose division (Pinaceae) , the pine is belonged to (Pinus L. ) the mutation that belongs to plant Europe Japanese red pine for the pine.
Distributing Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Gansu Province
Altitude lower limit (rice) 400
Altitude upper limit (rice) 1000
Camphor tree child the pine is electropositive tree is planted, crown of a tree is few and far between, needle leaf is centered in the surface of crown of a tree more, be in forest inside when lacking side Fang Guangzhao, truncal and natural pruning is fast, when isolated wood or side square illumination are enough, side branch and needle leaf are exuberant, young tree grows below crown canopy undesirable. Camphor tree child loose adaptability is strong. The sandy soil of country Shi Li with earthy very thin layer is reached to go up to all can grow on the wind sandy soil with barren nutrient good. Camphor tree child the pine is fought go against a gender strong. Camphor tree child loose life grows average age to amount to 150 ~ 200 years, 250 years some amounting to.