类型:数字存储示波器 | 型号:LT364L | 规格:LT364L |
通道数:4 | 带宽:500(MHz) | 品牌:LeCroy |
加工定制:否 | 属性:属性值 |
Performance Characteristics of thelt364l
Form Factor | Benchtop |
Bandwidth | 500 MHz |
Number of Channels | 4 ch |
Simultaneous Maximum Sampling Rate/ch | 1GSa/s |
One ch. only max. sampling rate | 500 MSa/s |
Min. Vertical Sensitivity | 2 mV/div |
Maximum Vertical Sensitivity | 10 V/div |
Number of Bits | 8 bits |
Input Impedance | 50 Ohm |
Input Impedance (alternate) | 1 MOhm |
Input Coupling | AC,DC,GND |
Maximum Input Voltage | 5 Vrms |
Maximum Input#2 (for Impedance #2) | 400 Vrms |
Main time base - lowest | 1 ns/div |
Main time base - highest | 1000 s/div |
Trigger Source | CH1,CH2,CH3,CH4,External |
Trigger Modes | Auto,Coupling,Level,Normal,Single,Slope,Stop |
Display Type | Color CRT,LCD,TFT |
Display Size | 21.336 cm |
Display modes | Auto,Normal,Single,Stop |
Programmability/Connectivity of the LT364L
User Interface | Not Applicable |
Ports to Peripheral Devices | GPIB,RS232C |
Data Storage Type | HDD |
LT364L Compliance
CE Compliance | Compliant |
UL Compliance | Compliant |
LT364L Power Requirements
Input Power | Universal (Auto Sense and Switch) |