

销售汽车配件。 。(上述范围不含国家限制项目,涉及前置审批许可经营的,按许可证...

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昌邑市联众汽配有限公司是一家独资私营企业,主要生产国内外各种车型的飞轮齿圈,飞轮总成,锻钢飞轮,冲压飞轮,刹车盘,刹车鼓,内齿圈等产品。公司拥有国内一流的机械制造,并拥有多项科技成果和专利技术。对各类相关产品有着丰富的认知程度和生产经验,可根据客户的要求来图加工,承接各类国产进口汽车飞轮齿圈,飞轮总成,内齿圈,刹车盘,刹车鼓的测绘及制造。技术力量雄厚,设备先进,工艺精湛,品种齐全,供货及时,产品质量稳定可靠,畅销全国二十多个省市自治区和欧美,中东,俄罗斯,日本,韩国等地区,深受用户欢迎。 我们将以合理的价格,优异的质量,快捷的交货和优质的售后满足客户的要求! Changyi City Lianzhong Auto Parts Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned private enterprises, mainly produces a variety of models at home and abroad of the flywheel ring gear, flywheel assembly, gears, brakes, crank pulley and other products. The company has the domestic first-class machinery, and has a number of scientific and technological achievements and patented technology. Various types of related products is rich in knowledge and production experience, in accordance with the requirements of customers to plan processing, and to undertake various types of Chinese-made imported cars flywheel ring gear, flywheel assembly, gears, brakes, crank pulley and manufacture of surveying and mapping. Strong technical force, advanced equipment, exquisite technique and variety of goods, timely delivery, product quality is stable and reliable, best-selling more than 20 provinces and autonomous regions nationwide and in Europe and America, the Middle East, Russia, Japan, South Korea, and other areas, by users. We will take reasonable price and excellent quality, quick delivery and quality to meet customer demand for after-sale!
公司名称: 昌邑市博大博大联众汽配有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 山东 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份:
经营范围: 销售汽车配件。 。(上述范围不含国家限制项目,涉及前置审批许可经营的,按许可证核定的经营范围及国家有关规定执行)
代理 代理 / 汽摩及配件代理加盟 加工
加工 / 汽摩配件加工 项目合作 项目合作 / 汽摩及配件项目合作
汽摩及配件 汽摩及配件 / 汽摩检测设备 加工 / 汽摩配件加工
代理 / 汽摩及配件代理加盟 汽摩及配件 / 汽摩产品制造设备 汽摩及配件 / 防护保养品
汽摩及配件 / 防护保养品 / 汽摩用清洗剂