该产为新产品,功能设计别具巧思。当作支架使用时,iPad 2可以竖放或横放,10种不同角度支撑,横置状态酷似超薄笔记本。底座内包含蓝牙键盘,和iPad 2配对后可直接进行文字输入,内置电池USB充电。 而将合起收纳,该底座又可以充当iPad 2屏幕的保护外壳。内部边缘完美贴合,并使用软垫防止跌落。底座外部为全铝打造,与iPad 2浑然一体,整体酷似一台MacBook Air或松下Toughbook笔记本,而厚度只会增加3毫米。本产品外部采用高规格的皮革材料,专为ipad2定制,同机身一样充满时尚和诱惑,可谓是锦上添花。可折叠保护盖内部使用柔软纤维,充分保护iPad2光滑的机身,避免划伤。 翻盖同时可作支架使用,方便长时间阅读和观影。 我司专为苹果产品设计、生产相关时尚个性配件,公司提供相关硅胶、TPU类产品设计、加工,欢迎来样或图纸生产。 更多产品信息请参考我司相关资料 Description The perfect companion for your iPad 2.The Logitech Keyboard Case by ZAGG for the iPad 2 has a thin, eye-catching design that gives your device durable protection, added functionality and style. You ll wonder how you ever used your iPad 2 without one. The Logitech Keyboard Case by ZAGG for iPad 2 is made from aluminum with a high-grade finish, matching the design, look and feel of today s hottest tablets. Its simple yet innovative hinge provides multiple angles for viewing and typing in both portrait and landscape mode. A built-in physical keyboard allows for fast, responsive typing. Sleek and stylish design with unique and useful features makes the Logitech Keyboard Case by ZAGG the essential accessory for your iPad 2. Tech Specs Size and Weight •Height: 9.7 inches (246 mm) •Width: 7.5 inches (191 mm) •Depth: .43 inches (11 mm) •Weight: 12.2 ounces (.345 kg) In the box •Case with embedded Bluetooth wireless keyboard •USB to micro-USB charging cable •User documentation Works with •Apple iPad 2 Battery Logitech Keyboard Case by ZAGG for iPad 2 uses a 510 mAh rechargeable lithium polymer battery that will last several weeks of normal use without charging. 更多产品信息请参考我司相关资料 深圳市亿华晟科技有限公司 地址:深圳市 深圳龙岗坂田上雪科技园F栋2楼 手机:13717004897 Q Q:2539611249 MSN:xuhanhua163@hotmail.com Email:xuhanhua163@163.com 公司网址:www.wahsung.net 阿里巴巴网址:http://xuhnhua767101.alibaba.com/ 联系人;徐先生 |