品牌:美国ELTOOL | 材质:高速钢 | 适用机床:铣床 |
结构类型:复合式 | 是否进口:是 | 是否涂层:涂层 |
加工范围:适合特殊位置的加工 | 型号:可转位角度头 | 规格:角度头 |
样品或现货:现货 | 是否提供加工定制:是 |
Titespot® Angle Headscan machine at multiple radial positions with one angle head and one set-up, in bores down to 1 inch in diameter.
Titespot® Spindle Speeders can increase spindle speed by as much as 13500 rpm.
by you high pressure coolant system, Titespot® Spindle Speeders can increase your machining centers spindle speed by as much as 13,500 rpm. On a turning center equipped with high pressure coolant, it functions as an inline live tool.
该角主轴增速装置 可以通过高压冷却系统(高压冷却液)将主轴的最高转速提高到13500rpm。