额定电压:220(V) | 额定功率:1600(W) | 型号:YM-GSX2000A |
品牌:雨明 | 产地:广州 | 风温:40(℃) |
干手器GSX2000A Hand Dryer
额定电压 Voltage 220V~/50HZ
额定功率 Rated power 1600W
额定电流 Current 7、2A
防水保护 Water splash proof lPX1
风速 Blowing rate 11m/s
风量 Blowing volume 162m3/h
包装尺寸 Dimensions 500×330×445(mm)
每箱包装 Package 4台(16kg)
干手器GSX2000A Hand Dryer
GSX2000干手器 采用进口材料及进口温控零制造。铝合金外壳,坚固、美观、不变形;防滴水结构,安全系数高;红外线自动感应,性能可靠;已获多项认证,符合国内及欧洲要求。是公共场所、宾馆、酒楼、家庭等洗手间之高级配套用品。
GSX—2000 hand dryer are adopted and made by imported material and temperature control spares . Its surface is alloy aluminium. It'ssturdy,durable and never out of shape .Waterproof construction is very safe . The product is automatically controlled by infrared ray.lt has won many approvals and accords with the demands of nation and Europe .lt's the high quality necessary equipment for the was-hroom of public place,senior hotel, restaurant and home.
雨明(香港)国际有限公司是最专业的卫生设备供应商之一,位于广州市,主营喷香机.自动出纸机,皂液器, 干手机,美发器,自动消毒器,感应垃圾桶,不锈钢组合柜,纸巾架.空气清新剂等。欢迎国内外客户来我司看样,洽谈合作 !为全球客户量身定制个性产品,提供OEM服务!
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