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诸暨市法力特机械厂-----座落于山青水秀的西施故里---诸暨中国南方五金城,是全国最大的铜加工基地,距杭州(萧山)机场35公里,紧邻浙赣线店口站,毗邻沪杭甬高速公路,交通便捷,地理位置十分优越。 我厂是绍兴市重合同、守信用企业,是浙江省专业生产铜合金铸件的厂家,专业生产加工各类牌号的铜轴套、铜轴瓦、铜蜗轮、铜板、铜接头、铜柱、铜垫圈等机械行业所需的各类铜制配件,现拥有大车床、小车床等各类普通机床、数控机床、铣床、刨床、钻床、磨床、滚齿机床线切割机床等50余台。中、大、特大型离心浇铸机8台。 我厂秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎各位来人来电洽谈参观!Zhejiang Zhuji Falite Machinery Factory is specialized in producing all types of copper fittings needed in mechanical field including copper axial bushes,brass fittings,air fittings,brass sleeve,water metter connector,nut,brass ball valves,copper bearing bushes and copper worm wheels pipe fittings pex-al-pex pipe and so on. We are equipped with more than 50 sets of general machine tools, digital machine tools, milling machines, planers, drill presses and cutting machines in all types as well as 8 sets of centrifugal fillers in medium, large and super large types. "Integrity, pragmatic, exploitation and innovation" is our enterprise spirit. "Challenging extreme limits and striving for perfection" is the working-style advocated by our enterprise. "Producing safe, reliable, convenient and beautiful products" is our tenet on quality. "Satisfying customers and achieving mutual benefits with customers" is our management philosophy. "To be the excellent and well-known business and become a first-class mechanical equipment group" is the goal pursued by our enterprise. Focusing on the future, we will meet our customers' needs with high-quality products, preferential prices and high quality services as always.
公司名称: 诸暨市名称天法力特机械厂 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 浙江 公司规模: 51 - 100 人
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份:
经营范围: 加工自销:机械配件、农机配件、水暖配件、五金配件
加工 加工 / 模具加工 加工 / 模具加工 / 铸造模
加工 / 机械五金加工 加工 / 机械五金加工 / 铸造 冶金矿产
冶金矿产 / 铸造及热处理设备 机械及行业设备 / 铸造及热处理设备 / 铸造设备 五金、工具
五金、工具 / 气动元件 机械及行业设备 / 气动元件 / 气动接头 五金、工具 / 模具
加工 / 模具加工 / 铸造模 五金、工具 / 紧固件、连接件 机械及行业设备 / 紧固件、连接件 / 螺母
机械及行业设备 照明工业 / LED灯具 / LED灯带灯条