密实袋价格|印刷纯铝袋|哪里可以大量定做防静电铝箔袋|拉链袋厂 尺寸规格、厚度及工艺,根据要求定做。 防静电防潮纯铝平口袋功能:具备防潮、阻氧、避光的功能。整体颜色为铝箔颜色不透光。不透明,内置物不可见。铝箔袋/纯铝袋内外表面电阻值:108—1011Ω。 防静电防潮纯铝平口袋材质:PET/AL/CPE或PET/AL/NY(PA)/CPE(聚酯/铝膜/聚乙烯流延薄膜或聚酯/铝膜/尼龙膜/聚乙烯流延薄膜)两种三或四层结构。 防静电防潮纯铝平口袋结构:可做三层或四层结构,材料结实耐用,具备很高的抗拉强度及抗穿刺强度。 防静电防潮纯铝平口袋类型:本款纯铝平口袋,可按要求做成自封式(密实袋/拉链袋)、信封式、信封自粘式、连体式、立体式等,袋身图案可根据客户要求印刷。 防静电防潮纯铝平口袋用途:铝箔袋/纯铝袋适用于有防潮要求的电子产品包装:各类PC板、IC集成电路、光驱、硬盘、电子元器件等。 Anti-static moisture aluminum flat pocket features: with moisture, oxygen barrier, dark features. Overall color is the color opaque aluminum foil. Transparent, built-in objects are not visible. Aluminum foil bags / aluminum bags inside and outside the surface resistance :108-1011Ω. Aluminum moisture-proof anti-static bag material level: PET / AL / CPE or PET / AL / NY (PA) / CPE (polyester / aluminum / polyethylene cast film or polyester / aluminum / nylon membrane / PE flow Cast film) Two of three or four structures. Aluminum moisture-proof anti-static bag structure levels: do three or four-story structure, durable materials, with high tensile strength and resistance to puncture strength. Anti-static moisture aluminum flat pocket type: aluminum flat pocket in this paragraph, upon request made self-sealing (compact bag / zipper bag), envelope, envelopes, self-adhesive, Siamese-style, three-dimensional blocks, bags of body patterns can be printing according to customer requirements. Anti-static moisture aluminum flat pocket use: aluminum foil bag / aluminum bags for electronic products with moisture-proof packaging requirements: all kinds of PC boards, IC integrated circuits, optical drives, hard drives and electronic components. 关键词 防静电防潮纯铝袋|防静电防潮纯铝平口袋|防静电防潮纯铝自封袋|防静电防潮纯铝骨袋|防静电铝箔袋|防潮铝箔袋|铝箔袋|纯铝袋|纯铝立体袋|纯铝自封自立袋|纯铝包装袋|纯铝中封风琴袋|防静电铝箔袋|铝箔袋标准|铝箔袋价格|深圳防静电铝箔袋|铝箔袋检测标准|防静电包装袋|防静电防潮袋|防静电袋价格|铝箔防潮袋|防静电自封袋|