品名:涤棉纱 | 成分及含量:40/60 | 纱支:32S |
股线:1 | 产地:黄梅县 | 主要用途:针织、机织 |
Huangmei county home lane in cotton industry Co., LTD. Supply cvc32s21s cotton yarn
长期供应cvc60/40 32s棉纱、cvc21s。T/c32.21s棉纱,价格随行就市。受原材料变动,价格可以随行就市。
c32s,c40s,c21s,c26s,c20s,c19s | 25800,26800,23500,238000,23900,23800 | |
cvc32,cvc21,cvc26 | 23800,23000,23800 | |
T/c32s,T/c21s,23s | 21800.21000.21500 |
Long-term supply cvc60/40 32s cotton yarn, cvc21s. T/c32.21 s cotton yarn, price for seven. Suffers raw material price can change, seven.
C32s c40s, c21s, c26s, c20s, c19s 33800,35800,31500,318000,30900,30800,
Cvc26 29800,27800,28500 cvc21, cvc32,
T/T/c21s, c32s 23s 25800.24800.24900
The raw materials, the price may drop to mutual now has changed, no timely change, please customers understand ha!