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厂家直销断路器 HW1智能型万能式断路器 万能式断路器
厂家直销断路器 HW1智能型万能式断路器 万能式断路器
厂家直销断路器 HW1智能型万能式断路器 万能式断路器
厂家直销断路器 HW1智能型万能式断路器 万能式断路器
厂家直销断路器 HW1智能型万能式断路器 万能式断路器

厂家直销断路器 HW1智能型万能式断路器 万能式断路器

address  浙江
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-05-28
产品详细说明 收藏此产品
品牌:HIWAY 型号:HW1 极数:4P
额定频率:50(Hz) 额定绝缘电压:690(V) 脱扣器电流:6300(A)
产品认证:CCC 安装方式:固定式 速度:普通型
灭弧介质:真空式 结构:万能式 操作方式:其他

HWW1 lntelligent Circuit Breaker.Moulded Case Circuit Breaker.molded case circuit breaker.mini circuit breaker--- lntelligent controller is one of the core components of the circuit breaker1. properties of the intelligent controller
        a. Protective funcition of over-lOAd long time-delay and inverse time limit, short time.delay
and inverse time limit, short time-delay definite time limit instantaneous operation protection;
        b. Single-phase earthing fAIlure protection;
        c. Display of setting current lr and operational current;
        d. Ampere meter;
        e. Over-load alarm;
        f. Short-circuit alarm
        g. Testing of operational properties
        Note: The breakers with telecommunication port are available to realize remote control to breaker through master computer.
2. Protection performances of over-current release
        a. lr and its inaccuracy of the controller


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