加工贸易形式:任何形式 | 加工能力:300万片/天 | 主要加工设备:高速机 |
加工设备数量:12(台(套)) |
* : 先进的生产设备,专业的生产和品控技术。
* : 最优惠的价格,最优质的产品,欢迎咨询,合作
1 采用独立包装,卫生方便
Individually wrapped Hygienic and convenient
2 柔棉网面经特别仿生技术精制而成,抗菌抑菌柔软卫生干爽网面触感,触感丝滑,能提供干爽更舒适的防护。柔滑体贴,呵护肌肤,令肌肤倍感舒适,享受经期细致关爱。
Dry-weave sense of touch,provide you silky feeling and more dry & comfortable protection
Soft cotton cover combine with unique formula kills germs effectly
Silky dry-weave surface developed by bionic use of technology, soft and considerate, make the skin feel more comfortable and enjoy the menstrual meticulous care.
3 弧形设计,贴近女性生理特征,让您有种舒适的感觉。贴身合体的吸收体设计,配合曲线导流层,有效引导集中吸收,无论夜间如何翻转,都能防止渗漏
Arc-shaped design, keep pace with women’sphysiologicalfeatures, give you loving-care feeling
4 含吸收倍率100位以上的高分子原料超强吸收,锁定体液创新吸收体,充分吸收,超强锁水,能提供更周全防护和更干爽感觉。
Use20% more SAP more absorption and securityInnovative absorber, fully absorbed, super absorbability could lock the blood and provide more comprehensive protection.高强度无尘纸,
5 360°环形包覆棉,有效防止棉心吸水后的变形和断裂,贴身又自然High-strength AIrlaid,360°ring–cOAted cot ton, effectively prevent absorbant cotton from deformation and fracture, skin-friendly and nature.
6 速渗导入孔加速导入吸收。透气舒适干爽表层V型防反渗孔,能有效防止反渗,感觉超干净干爽,中心能吸收六次平均潮涌,流量难以逃脱
7 独特全周导流槽,引导吸收,防止侧漏。特制凹道能防止任何方向的漏滑,表层和吸收体紧密贴合,怎么动也不扭曲变形
Unique full circular stream guidance slot, absorbing guide prevent side leakage.
8 CPU控制区做到无缝隙吸收随人体自由变动第一时间快速吸收并扩散处理
Blue cpu chip controlled are males seamless absorption and distortion along with movenment of human body,abosorb and disffuss rapidly甜睡夜用,配合宽大尾翼,能够有效防止后漏,任意翻身都不怕,让您安心熟睡。
330mmselling point: Sweetly sleeping night use, with large tail, can effectively prevent the leakage, do not afraid of any turn over, so you feel at ease in sleeping.