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供应聚合物 602040PL用于蓝牙、mp3-420mah 电池
供应聚合物 602040PL用于蓝牙、mp3-420mah 电池
供应聚合物 602040PL用于蓝牙、mp3-420mah 电池
供应聚合物 602040PL用于蓝牙、mp3-420mah 电池
供应聚合物 602040PL用于蓝牙、mp3-420mah 电池

供应聚合物 602040PL用于蓝牙、mp3-420mah 电池

address  广东
品 牌: LITOP 
型 号: 602040PL 
单 价: 6.00元/个 
起 订:  
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-05-28
即时询单   立即购买  加入购物车
产品详细说明 收藏此产品
外型尺寸: 6*20.5*41(mm) 标准电压: 3.7(V)
适用产品型号: 蓝牙耳机等数码产品 适用类型: 蓝牙、mp3
加工定制: 内阻: 《180
型号: 602040PL 品牌: LITOP
充电电流: 0.42(A) 产品认证: CE
额定容量: 420(mah)


电性能Electrical specifications

(1)电压Voltage  标称Normal     3.7V

(2)容量Capacity标称Normal      420mAh (标准充放电by standard charge and discharge)

                          最小Min          420mAh (标准充放电by standard charge and discharge)    

(3)充电Charge  电压Voltage      4.2+/- 0.05V

电流Current     420mA (1C快充Quick Charge)

                       88MA(0.2C慢充Continuous Charge)

方式Method      CC/CV (恒流/恒压)

结束Finish        < 10mA


电流Current    420mA (持续Continuous)

                      88mA (标准Standard)

终止Empty        3.0V


安全性能Safety specifications


Over Charge Prohibition: Shut down the circuitry and stop charge if one of cell’s voltage exceeds more than 4.3±0.05V momentarily or continuously.(Meanwhile, it is able to discharge)

延迟时间:80 ms(Typ.),200ms(Max.)

Delay Time80ms(Typ.),200ms(Max.)


Over Charge Release: In case of the cell voltage which has detected charge prohibition mode. If all of cells are less than: 4.1V±0.05V prohibition mode would be reset.


Over Discharge Prohibition: Shut down circuitry and stop discharge if one of cell’s voltage becoMES less than 2.4V±0.1V momentary or continuously.(Meanwhile, it is able to discharge)

延迟时间:20ms(Typ.), 60ms(Max.)

Delay Time20ms(Typ.), 60ms(Max.)


Over Discharge Release: Recover when the voltage of cells reach above: 3.0V±0.1V. If BATtery pack is no voltage, please connect the power supply, and the voltage will recover.


         Excess current protection: When the protection IC detects the voltage drop on MOS exceeds the specified voltage( U0.15±0.03V), it shall shut the circuit and stop discharge.

        延时时间: 10ms(Typ.), 20ms(Max.)

Delay time: 10ms(Typ.), 20ms(Max.)

      6)短路保护:当保护IC检测到MOS管上压降大于规定电压(1.0V(Min.), 1.35V(Typ.), 1.7V(Max)


        Short circuit protection: When protection IC detects the voltage drop on MOS exceeds the specified

voltage (1.0V(Min.), 1.35V(Typ.), 1.7V(Max.)), it shall shut the circuit and shop discharge.

延时时间: 500us(Max.)

   Delay time: 500us(Max.)


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