重量:3600(kg) |
功率:5.5(KW) |
型号:JRF |
用途:化工 |
品牌:范邦 |
加工定制:是 |
外形尺寸:1.6*4.8(m) |
属性:属性值 |
| 网址:www.fbdry.com(动画演示) 设备名称:JRF系列燃煤热风炉 | | | JRF CATENA COAL-BURN FUNACE DEYER | | 用途概述 :General applications | | 该炉为通用性热风加热装置,与各种物料的干燥设备配套使用。 该炉集燃烧与换热为一体,以炉体高温部位进行换热的最新间接加热技术。采取了耐高温措施,从而使其寿命比管式热风炉大大提高,输出热风温度可达 300 ℃ 以上,同时采用了烟气逆向刷新换热片和负压吸式排烟方式,换热部位不积灰、无须清理,热性能稳定。可使用各种煤或木柴做燃料,并配有二次进风装置,燃烧完全。各项技术指标均达国内先进水平。 The furnace is universal hot AIr heating device and can be equipped with all kinds of drying equipment. The furnace integrates combustions and heat exchange in its one body and adopts the newest indirect heating technique with high temperature of furnace body to carry out heat exchange and adopts measures of high temperature resistant too. Compared with pipe type hot air furnace, its life is raised greatly. The temperature of hot air to be transmitted may reach over 300℃.Meanwhile it adopts heat exchange sheet of conversed smoke and air and smoke exhausted way of negative pressure. So the part of heat exchange does not accumulate dust and not necessary to clean and the thermal property is constant. It can use different cOAl or as fuel. Because of equipped with secondary air in device, the combustion is fully. All technical indexes reach to doMEStic advanced level. | | 技术参数: Technical data | | |
所有尺寸仅作参考 , 视物料情况 , 本公司拥有变更权利 , 并不另行通知 .
*All sizes are used for reference only. According to the condition of material, our factory has the right change but not notice, pardon! 包头包钢中企集团 Baotou Baogang Group 广东阳山食品有限公司 Guangdong Yangshan Food Co., Ltd |