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供应轻便PVC雨衣 钓鱼雨衣 自行车雨衣
供应轻便PVC雨衣 钓鱼雨衣 自行车雨衣
供应轻便PVC雨衣 钓鱼雨衣 自行车雨衣
供应轻便PVC雨衣 钓鱼雨衣 自行车雨衣
供应轻便PVC雨衣 钓鱼雨衣 自行车雨衣

供应轻便PVC雨衣 钓鱼雨衣 自行车雨衣

address  北京
单 价: 6.00元/件 
起 订:  
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-06-19
即时询单   立即购买  加入购物车
产品详细说明 收藏此产品
品牌:亚东 材质:PVC 款式:连体雨衣
适用人群:成人 适用范围:特殊用途雨衣 是否一次性:否
尺码:欧(码) 厚度:0.1(mm) 颜色:多种(种)
产地:河北 贸易属性:外贸原单 产品类别:钓鱼伞()

The factory is located in the world civilization historic chengde, the company was founded in 1991, has been for customers from all over the world
Provide high quality products and services in the world, with a very good voice, for the convenience of all old and new customers,
Yiwu opening offices in guangzhou.

MAIn products: clothing, baby, baby clothes, safety, reflective vest vest, plastic products,
YuPi raincOAt, disposable diapers, PVC plastic disposable diapers, PEVA babies, pure cotton pad, urinary tract, baby pants
Mosquito, baby, baby bed, PVC plastic vest, our factory is a one-time raincoat, YuPi do PE, and
YuPi raincoat, PVC, PVC baby diapers, PVC baby pants, baby, urinary tract, baby bed mat, PVC
The vest, etc... Professional factories,

Mainly for export, welcome from all walks of life friend on-the-spot investigation.

We believe that the price is not the only, quality decides everything
Hope is the business of foreign trade companies and offices to contact with us!

      主要产品有: 服装,婴儿用品,婴儿服装,安全背心,反光背心,塑料制品,
PVC雨衣,雨披, PVC婴儿尿片,PVC婴儿尿裤,婴儿蚊帐,尿垫,婴儿屋,PVC安


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  • 联系人: 杨瑞娟(女士)