品名:金属硅 | 牌号:441 | 产地:河南.01 |
硅含量≥:98(%) | 杂质含量:0.1(%) | 重量:0.5-2(kg/块) |
汽车 金属配件金属硅
SiO2 + 2C → Si + 2CO
【性 质】
熔点 | 1687 K(1414 °C) | 熔化热 | 50.55 kJ/mol |
沸点 | 3173 K(2900 °C) | 蒸气压 | 4.77帕(1683K) |
摩尔体积 | 12.06×10-6m3/mol | 比热 | 700 J/(kg·K) |
汽化热 | 384.22 kJ/mol | 热导率 | 148 W/(m·K) |
【用 途】
Crystalline silicon is Dark blue, very crisp, is a typical semiconductor.Very stable chemical properties.At room temperature, in addition to other hydrogen fluoride is difficult to react with other substances.
China's relatively large silicon metal production, production mAInly in Guizhou, Yunnan, Fujian, Guangxi, Sichuan, Hunan.Metallurgical grade silicon metal which has a wider distribution area 553,441, mainly distributed in Guizhou, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang, Guizhou, which is the most important provinces of silicon metal production, production accounting for production15% -35%.
From January 1, 2008, the Chinese silicon metal provisional tariff of 10%.The tariff increases are aimed at controlling the export of silicon metal, but despite the tariff increases, the doMEStic silicon metal prices in the international market is still the lowest, the price advantage is obvious.
Industry, usually in the furnace in the reduction of carbon dioxide and prepared.
Chemical reaction equation:
SiO2 + 2C → Si + 2CO
This silicon obtained a purity of 97 ~ 98%, called silicon metal.Then it melts recrystallization, with acid to remove impurities, the purity of 99.7 to 99.8% of metal silicon.If you want to make it into the semiconductor silicon, but also to convert it into easy-purified form of liquid or gas, and then by distillation, decomposition by polysilicon.For high purity silicon, the need for further purification treatment.
【】 Nature
Content of 92-98%
Physical properties:
Melting point
1687 K (1414 ° C)
Melting heat
50.55 kJ / mol
Boiling point
3173 K (2900 ° C)
Vapor pressure
4.77 Pa (1683K)
Molar volume
12.06 × 10-6m3/mol
Specific heat
700 J / (kg · K)
Heat of vaporization
384.22 kJ / mol
Thermal conductivity
148 W / (m · K)
Silicon is a semiconductor material that can be used to make semiconductor devices and integrated circuits.You can also use the form alloys (such as silicon alloy) for the automotive and machinery parts.Also, together with the ceramic materials for metal ceramics.Can also be used in the manufacture of glass, concrete, bricks, refractory material, siloxane, silane.
① high purity of silicon is an important semiconductor material.In the development of energy sources is a promising material.
② Metal Ceramics, Astronautical important material.Sintered ceramic and metal mixture, made of metal-ceramic composite material, which heat, Toughness, can cut both metal and ceramic inherited the merits, but also to make up for the two birth defects.Can be used in the manufacture of military weapons.
③ optical fiber communications, the latest of modern means of communication.Drawn with a pure silica glass fiber with high transparency, the glass fiber laser channel, the countless times the total reflection of forward transmission, instead of bulky cable.High capacity optical fiber communication, a human hair so thin glass fibers, can also transmit 256 TEL, also without electricity, magnetic interference, with a high degree of confidentiality.Optical fiber communication will make the 21st century revolutionize human life.
④-performance silicon organic compounds.For example, silicone is an excellent waterproof plastic cOAting material.In the subway walls silicone spray, water seepage problems can be resolved once and for all.In ancient artifacts, sculptures appearance, a thin layer of silicone coated plastic, can prevent breeding moss, resist wind and rain and weathering.Monument to the People's Heroes in Tiananmen Square, is through the surface of silicone plastic handle, so always white, fresh.