品牌:威乐水泵 | 型号:PB-169EA | 扬程:9.5-25(m) |
流量:100L/MIN | 转速:2900 | 功率:95-550(w) |
材质:铸铁 | 性能:自动 | 原理:叶片泵 |
泵轴位置:卧式 | 驱动方式:电动 | 叶轮数目:单级 |
叶轮结构:封闭式叶轮 | 叶轮吸入方式:单吸式 |
WILO Headquarter of China
威乐泵业集团股份有限公司(WILO AG)创建于1872年,总部设在德国多特蒙德市,是世界上最大的暧通空调用泵的专业生产厂家。近几年以来,威乐立足于建筑领域用泵的优势的同时又开拓了工业市场领域。2000年,收购了韩国LG水泵公司;2003年收购德国EMU公司。目前在世界各地拥有6个生产基地和54个子公司。年产水泵达七百多万台(套),是全球十大水泵公司之一。主要产品:工业及建筑用循环水泵、供水泵、消防泵、深井泵及污水泵、全自动供水设备、水泵调速设备等。
WILO AG.a world—wide professional pump manufactur group company,was established in Dortmund in 1 872.For more thanl 30 years,VVI LO iS famous at the a rchitectu re field.And frOm now on,it iS plan n i ng to develop i nd ustriAI ma rketi ng.1 n 2000,WI LO AG boug ht LG Pump Company.In 2003,took over EMU Submersible Pump Group in Germany.UP t-Il now,WILO AG has 6 manufacture bases and 54 companies around the world.It becoMES one of the global topl 0 largest pump manufactures.The annuaI production capacities arrived more than 7 million sets(about 900 million USD)。And its main production including:Circulating Pumps,Water Supply Pumps,Firework Pumps,Deep Well Pumps and Waste Water/Sewage Pumps,Packaged Plants and Speed ControI