材质:304 | 产地:河南 | 规格:各种 |
抗压强度:95 | 品牌:星光87 | 用途:制造钢纤维混凝土 |
【英文名称】chromium oxide green,chrome oxide green
【性 状】
氧化铬绿又称三氧化二铬、氧化铬,分子量151.99。系六方晶系,绿色粉 末。莫氏硬度8.5~9,接近刚玉(Al2O3),仅次于金刚石,而超过石英SiO2,
【用 途】
【其 他】
CAS No.:1308-38-9
【包 装】
Chromium oxide green,chrome oxide green
Green crystal powder bright shade; better covering strength than chrome oxide green common type; good pigment property after purification and a wide range of application
Chromium oxide green, also known as chromium sesquioxide or chromia, is one of four oxides of chromium, chemical formula Cr2O3. It is commonly called chrome green when used as a pigment; however it was referred to as viridian when it was first discovered.
Hydrated chromium oxide is permanent, but chromium oxide is more stable and is one of the most permanent pigments an artist uses. It will not react with hydrochloric acid or with sodium hydroxide.
Chromium oxide green absorbs a small amount of oil (26 g oil per 100 g of pigment).
High purity chrome oxide green is mAInly used as pigment for high class porcelain glaze making, printing ink for paper money, pigment for cosmetics etc.