品种:杰菲 | 等级:优等 | 容重≥:2000(g/L) |
不完善粒≤:0(%) | 杂质≤:0(%) | 水分≤:0(%) |
产地/厂家:澳洲 |
Just being BritAIn stout, Britain Aier tastes sweeter as it is made of many materials. However, plenty of hops are used to reach balance, thus it has a heavy flavor of hop and is veryfull-bodied. This beer is bronze. It is rich in more malt and CO2 fOAm, as well has more intensive taste than the above mentioned beers do. The concentration ofwortis 14° and the alcohol content produced by basic beer materials is 4.5°. It is the ideal choice for barbecue.