注册公司地域:国内公司注册() |
- 代理注册内资个体工商户及个人独资企业;
- 代理注册内资有限责任公司及其分支机构;
- 代理注册外商独资企业及其分支机构;
- 代理注册中外合资企业及其分支机构;
- 代理注册外资公司驻中国办事处。申办外商独资企业Guideline for How to Establish A Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises in China1、企业递交资料清单A list of document and certification2、投资者申请报告Application submitted by investor3、广州市工商行政管理局出具的《企业(公司)名称核准表》(复印件)"Corporate naMES approved certification" issued by Guangzhou Administration for Industry & Commerce (Photocopy)4、办公场地合法使用证明(租赁合同及其房屋所有权证明)并房管局备案(复印件)Legal document for use premises (lease contract or certification of ownership)5、投资者资料Investors information(1) 公司投资:For corporate① 投资公司的合法开业证明(经当地大使管公证原件)Certification of business operation approval to invested corporate (Original document verified by located ambassadors)②所在国或在区银行资信证明(原件)Credit certification issued by the located bank of the country or region of invested corporate (Original)③ 投资公司的董事会成员名单(复印件)A membership list of the bOArd (Photocopy)④ 投资公司的董事会决议并具全体董事签名(原件)Board agreement with signatures of all directions of invested corporate (Original)⑤ 投资公司的签字授权书并具全体董事签名(原件)Authorization document signed by all directions of invested corporate (Original)(2)个人投资:For personal①投资者的居住所在国(地区)的合法身份证明(经当地大使馆公证的原件)Certificate of identity of investor (Original document verified by located ambassadors)②所在国或地区银行资信证明(原件)Credit certification issued by the located bank of the country or region of investor (Original)6、章程(原件)Articles of association (Original)7、两个或两个以上投资者共同申请设立外资企业,应提交其签定的合同副本(原件)If the number of investors is more than one, a copy contract about the corporate signed by these investors should be submitted8、可行性研究报告(原件)The investment feasibility study report9、全体投资方确认的拟设立的外资企业的董事会成员委派书(原件)Appointed document for the director board of the prospective foreign company confirmed by all the investors.( Original)10、在中国设立外资企业申请表(按规定表格)An application for establish foreign enterprises in China (fill in defined format)11、外国投资者(授权人)与境内法律文件送达接受人(被授权人)签署的《法律文件送达授权委托书》。该委托书应当明确授权境内被授权人代为接受法律文件送达,并载明被授权人地址、联系方式"The appointed contract about submit legal documents" signed by the foreign investors (authorized) and trustee, the contract should expressly authorize the trustee to conduct legal documents transaction and submit, and provide an exact address and Tel No. of the trustee12、审批机关认为需要补充的其他材料Other documents asked by the approving authority13、所有递交的复印件都必须加盖投资者的公章All the photocopy documents submitted should be with investors’ seal
- 包括在外经、外汇、海关、商检、电子口岸等部门办理许可手续;
- 办理营业执照、组织机构代码证及国、地税登记证的变更。
- 变更企业名称;
- 变更企业注册地址;
- 变更企业法定代表人;
- 变更企业注册资本;
- 变更经营范围;
- 变更股东名称及股权比例。
- 代理内资企业营业执照年检;
- 代理内资企业组织机构代码证年检;
- 代理内资企业国、地税税务登记证年检;
- 代理外资企业的联合年检。