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蔓海蒂Bhringraj 印度原装旱莲草养发粉止脱去屑乌发控白发
蔓海蒂Bhringraj 印度原装旱莲草养发粉止脱去屑乌发控白发
蔓海蒂Bhringraj 印度原装旱莲草养发粉止脱去屑乌发控白发
蔓海蒂Bhringraj 印度原装旱莲草养发粉止脱去屑乌发控白发
蔓海蒂Bhringraj 印度原装旱莲草养发粉止脱去屑乌发控白发

蔓海蒂Bhringraj 印度原装旱莲草养发粉止脱去屑乌发控白发

address  北京
单 价: 15.00元/ 
起 订:  
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-07-24
即时询单   立即购买  加入购物车
产品详细说明 收藏此产品
适用发质:油性,中性,干性,通用 产地:印度 类型:专业型
适用人群:成人 香型:草本香 功效:保湿,滋润,柔顺,补水,抗菌消炎,清爽控油,抗敏感,去头屑,防开叉,防脱发,浓密蓬松,改善毛躁,改善头痒,强韧防断发,染后护色,损伤修复,烫后护卷,头皮舒缓,滋润营养
品牌:蔓海蒂 箱装数量:100 净含量:100克




 【产品名称】 旱莲草养发粉, Herba Ecliptae RAIse Hay


 【产品规格】 100克,锡箔密封包装袋

 【产地】     印度原装进口

 【生产日期】  2010年2月 见包装

 【保质期】    三年



  • 旱莲草 Bhringraj 是一个广泛用于治疗疾病的,古老的阿育吠陀草药之一。其拉丁名为Eclipta Alba,属于菊科。大量生长在热带地区,也用于染发和纹身的染料
  • When it comes to natural hair care treatments,and hair loss, bhringraj is the first herb to be recommended. It is one of the most distinguished herbs in ayurvedic medicine.


  • Herba Ecliptae raise hay is very common in  India women's hair care products,because of its unique hair effect,I put it to China, to share with you.



  • 旱莲草大量生长在热带地区,染发和纹身古早染料也取旱



  • Helpsstrengthen hair root andprevent hair loss.
  • Adjusts the head of sebaceous gland secretion ,promote the growth of hair follicles and the generation of melanin ,so it can effectively delay the hair regeneration.
  • Prevention of head and fungal skin infections, dandruff, itching.
  • Affective against skin allergies.
  • Relieve mental fatigue,helps promote a good, and well rested sleep.


 1、Apply powder with warm water to a paste


  2、Hand evenly on the hair (the hair is dry, clean best), scalp hair, and hair were to touch.

 用手均匀的涂到头发上(头发干燥 干净最好),头皮、发根和发梢均要摸.

  3、Hand slightly augmented soft hair and scalp massage and hair root part, make the plant

     molecular fully penetrate into hair and its root.


  4、Keep 30 minutes rinse hair rinse.



短发:  30-50克/次


长发:  100克/次




We recommend you store this herb and all ayurvedic herbs in a cool dark place, fridge or freezer.


- 镇静,改善睡眠
- 变暗头发颜色
- 控制头皮屑
- 巩固发根,控制头发掉落
- 治愈皮肤过敏
- 冷却头皮


Product Description

When it comes to natural hair care treatments, and hair loss, bhringraj is the first herb to be recommended. It is one of the most distinguished herbs in ayurvedic medicine.

Bhringraj is used for:

  • It also has a calming affect
  • helps promote a good, and well rested sleep.
  • helps prevent hair loss
  • stops premature greying
  • affective against skin allergies
  • helps control and get rid of dandruff. 

We recommend you store this herb and all ayurvedic herbs in a cool dark place, fridge or freezer.

This herb comes in 100 gram packages. 


More Info

Recommended methods of using this herb:


You can make a hot water infusion with this herb, and other ayurvedic herbs such as shikakai, amla, brahmi, and others of your choice. Steep them for about 3-4 minutes, and then strain. Use the liquid as a hair rinse after you shampoo and/or condition your hair. Rinse it all out really well. This is best used directly in the shower as it can run. You can also leave this in if you wrap it tightly with a shower cap. Leave this in for about 30 minutes to an hour When using your favorite conditioner, you can make an ayurvedic herbal gloss. Apply this all over your hair, by sections and then place a shower cap on, or saran wrap. Leave this on for 30 minutes to an hour.

Prepare this herb as a paste (you can add any other ayurvedic herbs as you’d like), and use it in place of your shampoo. This paste cane be made with a tea brew, or just warm water. You can then wash it out, and then condition (deep, leave in conditioner depending on your hair type) afterwards.

Create an amazing hair oil infusion. You can add 2 parts of your favorite hair oils, to one part of herbs of your choice. Allow to steep naturally for at least 4-5 days or more depending on the herbs you use. Some herbs are tougher, and need more fusion time, such as horsetail. If you’d like to speed it up, and we use this method personally, is use a crock pot to allow the oil and herbs to steep at warm temperature for 24-36 hours. Then turn it off, and allow it to sit for another 24-36 hours. Strain in a nylon stocking. I let this actually hang, and slowly drip for the next 24 hours. The I squeeze what I can out afterwards (from out of the stocking). I then pour the oil infusion into an applicator bottle, or squeeze bottle. Keep this stored in a cool, dark place.

 For healthy hair
  1. Posted by Eliz on 13th Aug 2011

    I henna my hair every three weeks to color my fast-growing roots. I add about a tablespoon of this powder to the henna, and it doesn't seem to dilute the color because my roots and highlighted hair still turn a bright red copper. I used to apply this powder as a paste and leave it for an hour on my hair, but I found out it saves me time if I just add it to my henna paste. It leaves my hair very thick for the entire week after the henna treatment. I love it!

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Shikakai的英文名称是SOAp pot(学名:Acacia-concinna),含有天然皂素成份。能使头发柔顺保湿,不听话的头发变得容易整理。因为不会洗去头皮天然的油脂,所以头皮能保持一定的润泽,头发也变得柔顺好整理。也能抑制头皮屑,预防白发的功效。可依照个人发质,加入其他草本,制作更适合自己发质的洗发护发素。



Orange Peel(柳橙皮):







Shikakai -5G+Amla -2g +Brahmi -2g +Orange Peel -1g +水100cc

Amla -6g+Brahmi -4g +水100cc  


Shikakai -8g+Orange Peel -2g +Brahmi -2g +水100cc

Shikakai -6g+Orange Peel -4g +Brahmi -2g +水100cc

Amla -5G+Orange Peel -2g +Brahmi -5G+水100cc

*我的情况是Orange Peel似乎会让头发偏软,可视自己的状况调整一下。



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