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软件类型:自动化软件 版权:授权商 软件名称:研华全系列自动化软件
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SCADA:Advantech WebAccess、Advantech Studio、LogixView、ADAMView


OPC Server




Advantech WebAccess


       MAIn Features


Advantech Studio 

Advantech Studio(AStudio)是一款功能强大的自动化软件工具,它包含了所有数据采集及控制的基本组件,用户可以方便的使用该工具来开发运行在Windows NT、2000、CE或Internet及Intranet环境下的管理控制及数据采集系统(SCADA)应用。您只需要简单地拖动鼠标,即可开发自己的数据采集及控制应用。同时,研华还提供易于使用的灵活代码语言以满足用户的特殊需求。Advantech Studio目前已经在全球安装了大约2,000套。

Main Features

  ADAMView作为数据采集软件,专门为小型项目的应用而设计。该软件提供150个物理点的数据库、ADAM驱动程序和OPC Server,用户可以方便的使用它实现自己的控制功能。ADAMView是一种用于ADAM I/O系列的低成本SCADA软件,它的使用非常简单。

Main Features 

  • 功能完整的软件包
  • 图形面板配置
  • 模块化和优先级任务设计
  • BasicScript脚本语言定制您的应用程序
  • 易与ADAM I/O系列连接



OPC Server:



Main Features

  • Microsoft Windows 98/2000/NT下运行
  • 兼容符合OPC 客户规范的应用软件
  • 兼容Microsoft Visual C++, Visual Basic, Inprise Delphi 和 C++ Builder
  • 符合OPC Specification V2.0a 规范
  • 提供OPC用户接口


ActiveDAQ Pro

ActiveDAQ Pro is a collection of ActiveX controls for performing I/O operations within any compatible ActiveX control container, such as Visual Basic, Delphi, etc. You can easily perform the I/O operations through properties, events and methods. With ActiveDAQ Pro, you can perform versatile I/O operations to control your Advantech devices.



Main Features

  • Graphic User Interface Control Components
  • Supports all Advantech DAQ devices with high speed functions
  • Easy-to-use property sheet interface for configuring controls
  • Independent operation of controls
  • Uses optional lists instead of direct input
  • Default settings for immediate execution
  • Properties and parameters are chosen automatically
  • Parameter check-up and correction
  • Better defined error MESsages and diagnostic guide
  • Supports all widely known development platforms








DiagAnywhere (“Diagnose Anywhere" 的缩写),是远程维护软件,用于远程监测与控制研华TPC,UNO和带有Windows®的操作系统的ADAM设备。目前, DiagAnywhere 包括客户端应用程序和目标设备上的服务器。支持的平台包括Windows® XP, Windows® XP Embedded, Windows® CE.NET 4.2, 和 Windows® CE 5.0。这种有用的软件可以帮助用户实现远程维护的主要任务,包括远程监测和控制、远程屏幕快照和记录、文件上传和下载。DiagAnywhere还支持Windows®的安全认证。
Main Features
  • Remote Monitor Function
  • Remote Control Function
  • Remote Screen Snapshot
  • Remote Screen Recording
  • File Transfer Function
  • Windows-based Authentication
  • Favorite Devices Grouping Function



KW MULTIPROG®(IEC 61131软逻辑控制软件)

MULTIPROG?支持IEC 61131-3的所有编程语言。根据所要处理的任务、您的经验和公司标准,可以从五种标准编程语言中任选一种。使用MULTIPROG可以为您带来更多好处。我们在自动化行业长期积累的经验为您承诺提供最尖端的软件产品。


  • 实时动态、丰富生动的图形画面,具有趋势、报警、报表等功能,可通过标准浏览器查看
  • 能够将处方、报表和实时数据导入或导出为XML格式
  • 使用同一开发环境开发运行在Windows NT/2000/XP及CE环境下或运行在Web上的应用程序
  • 与您的Windows桌面应用程序(如Microsoft Word和Excel)无缝集成
  • 可以在Web浏览器上查看多个研华客户
  • 为应用提供多级安全性,包括Intranet和Internet的保护
  • 符合工业标准,如Microsoft DNA、OPC、DDE、ODBC、XML和ActiveX
  • 软件保护类型:软键


The LogixView is the latest software package for developing the graphic user interface for monitoring and controlling Advantech eAutomation products on WindowsCE based devices. This package is based on Microsoft .NET technology, and used in Visual Studio 2005 environment. The previous solution for Advantech .NET solution is the Adam.NET class library, and it supplies several class libraries for accessing ADAM series product. For those who want to use the Adam.NET class library still have to write more code to make their programs run. The LogixView is based on the Adam.NET technology, and offers more components for data acquisition. Users can simply drag and drop the components into Visual Studio .NET project and change the properties of the components to make their programs run as demands. In other word, users who use the LogixView no longer need to write code line by line for the data acquisition, but concentrate on program logic and event handling. In next few sections, this document is going to introduce installation process, the LogixView DAQ (Data Acquisition) components, the graphic controls, the working theory of the components and controls, and examples for applying LogixView package for building your programs in details.

Main Features

  • Easy connection with ADAM I/O series
  • Simply Drag and Drop the Components
  • Less Coding and Reduce LOAding
  • Easy to Developing GUI
  • Provide Several Components for Communication
  • Supports DAQ components and classes
  • Multiple graphic controls
  • Support Modbus/RTU, Modbus/TCP, ADAM Protocol, and ADAM-5000 Local IO Modules
  • Supports WinCE-based devices, including UNO, TPC and ADAM series products



  • View, control, configure system remotely over an intranet or the Internet using ordinary Web browser
  • Supports Vector-based Graphics
  • Use the open standard programming TCL, JScript or VB script
  • Control equipment based on pre-defined schedule (time, date and holiday)
  • Distributed SCADA Architecture
  • Central Database Server
  • Redundant SCADA and COM ports
  • Global Access to Alarms & Data
  • Support LonWorks LNS and BACnet IP
  • Email alarm, report and message
  • Customized Functional Toolbox
  • Video and Audio with Animation


Advantech WebAccess is browser-based software package for human-machine interfaces (HMI), and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). All the features found in conventional HMI and SCADA software packages are available in an ordinary browser including Animated Graphics Displays, Real-time Data Control, Trends, Alarms and Logs.


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