型号: | 声音自动化测试 | 用途: | 有关声声音方面的测试 |
品牌: | 中誉达 | 产品认证: | ISO |
加工定制: | 是 | 全自测试设备: | 自动化测试代替人工传统的测试方法 |
1)频率:物理中频率的单位是赫兹(Hz),简称赫,也常用千赫(kHz)或兆赫(MHz)或GHz做单位,单位符号为f。1kHz=1000Hz,1MHz=1000000Hz 1GHz=1000MHz。频率f是周期T的倒数,即f =1/T,波速=波长*频率。而像中国使用的电是一种正弦交流电,其频率是50Hz,也就是它速度惊人的地方,一秒钟内做了50次周期性变化。 测试信号的周期是否正常,保证声音在人耳的听觉范围之内。(采用仪信器/板卡/电路可选)
6)频响:频响范围,全称是频率响应范围,也叫频率特性。频率响应是指在振幅允许的范围内音响系统能够重放的频率范围,以及在此范围内信号的变化量称为频率响应。人类听觉所能达到的范围大约在20Hz-20KHz,目前成熟的耳机工艺都已达到了这种要求。在额定的频率范围内,输出电压幅度的最大值与最小值之比,以分贝数(dB)来表示其不均匀度。普通功放的频率响应为20Hz-20000Hz约(+/-)l-3dB;优质功放的频率响应为20Hz-20kHz 约+/-0.1dB。
Acoustic automated test systems|sounds automated test equipment|sounds automatic test system|sounds automatic test machine
in order to test the frequency,THD
In order to test the sound frequency, distortion, amplitude, signal to noise ratio, noise, frequency response,etc.....Shenzhen zyate technology Co. Ltd specialized designed a whole test proposal for the sounds test systems,includes test products as following:telephone,DVD,VCD,CD,sounds power amplifier,television,bluetooth headphone etc.....
1)frequency:Physics unit of frequency is Hertz(Hz),Also usually used in kilohertz (kHz) or megahertz (MHz) or GHz do unit,Unit symbol was f. 1kHz=1000Hz,1MHz=1000000Hz 1GHz=1000MHz. f=1/T,Wave speed = wavelength * frequency.The test signal cycle is normal? Ensure the sound in the range of human hearing.(test tools:The instrument/circuit bOArd was optional)
2)Distortion:the speaker distortion is the same definition as the amplifier distortion,the difference was the amplifier input is the electronic signal,the outputs was still the electronic signal.the sound box inputs was the electronic signal but the outputs was the sounds wave signal.so the sound box distortion was the electric transform to sound signal distortion,The sound distortion range was 10%,Most people's ears are not sensitive to less than 5% distortion,distortion must be less than 5%,because people easy to hear if more than 5%.we are check the we check the sound distortion of the products is ensure the ears can't hear the sound distortion.(Equipment/electronic circuit option)
3)Signal-to-noise:SNR is the ratio of the normal speaker playback sound signals with no signal noise signal (power).Expressed in "dB" symbol。for example,there was a sound box and the SNR is 80dB,the output signal power is 10 ^ 8 tiMES more than the noise power .The higher the SNR value , the smaller the noise。(Equipment/electronic circuit option)
4)Noise:Noise cause irritability, or the volume is too strong to harm human health.So we need to control the noise in a limited range,Otherwise it will affect the quality of electronic products(Equipment/electronic circuit option)
5)The amplitude of the sound:The amplitude of the sound to determine the size of the sound.so the amplitude test can test a product the size of the output sound(Equipment/electronic circuit card option)
6)Frequency Response:the full name called the range of frequency response,also called Frequency characteristics.Frequency response is usually measured within the range of human hearing, from a low of 20Hz to a high of 20kHz, although some believe that frequencies above and below this range, known as wideband frequency response are equally important. Frequency response specifications indicate how well the device remAIns uniform. For example, a frequency response specification of 20Hz-20kHz +/- 3dB indicates that the maximum variation in level or volume from the lowest to the highest tone will not exceed three decibels. A range of three dB is common in frequency response specifications.
The system uses a common international test software labview write the test program,using the computer to auto-control the test card and Equipment to realize The purpose of automatic test.this test system test high speed and the test is very stable.Well received by users.