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iphone5 最新款双卡通 双卡王苹果5代 Q-SIM 三卡通
iphone5 最新款双卡通 双卡王苹果5代 Q-SIM 三卡通
iphone5 最新款双卡通 双卡王苹果5代 Q-SIM 三卡通
iphone5 最新款双卡通 双卡王苹果5代 Q-SIM 三卡通
iphone5 最新款双卡通 双卡王苹果5代 Q-SIM 三卡通

iphone5 最新款双卡通 双卡王苹果5代 Q-SIM 三卡通

address  广东
单 价: 20.00元/个 
起 订:  
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-07-31
即时询单   立即购买  加入购物车
产品详细说明 收藏此产品
默认选卡功能:有默认选卡功能 型号:1224 双号待机功能:无双号待机功能
在线切换功能:有在线切换功能 品牌:ismartsim

最新款 iphone5专用双卡通,,,,,,独家上市 有需要的联系 陈生   15811830613


 产品介绍 支持手机型号

支持具有STK功能菜单手机 支持直拨回拨功能2G



Dual twin Sim Card Adapter/ sim card adapter–No cutstrong

At a glance:strong

*Two SIM cards in one phone.
*Special double modes function.
*Invisible number – Temporary not connected function.
*Extended support to multi SIM card.
*MAIntain Original SIM card STK menu function.
*2 SIM auto switch On-line, easily set

1.Ultra slim design: less than1.2mm high
2.No need to cut cards and keeping the original housing of the mobile phone
3.Auto-switching on line without need to turn on or off the phone
4.No data loss when switching 2 numbers or turning on/off the phone
5.Both numbers active synchronously
6.Imported FPC bOArd of high quality and advanced IC technology adopted.
7.Compatible with all of GSM mobile functionally and 90% GSM mobile in size proportion


1.Take out two piece of hard papers in the King of Dual SIM Card
2.Insert two piece of SIM Cards into the slots of the Dual SIM Card respectively
3.Put one end of the Dual SIM Card with SIM1 in your handset instead of your regular SIM Card
4.Put another end of the King of Dual SIM Card into undersurface of the BATtery or spacebetween battery and handset’s back cover
5.Finally, closing the back cover and power on the phone, you could select SIM1 or SIM2 to use itp


iphone4双卡通 三卡通 



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