尺寸:20*20*4 | 材质:琉璃 | 加工定制:是 |
规格:20*20*4 | 类别:动物 | 摆挂形式:挂饰 |
制作工艺:熔铸 |
天坤琉璃坊 本公司是一家专业琉璃艺术品制造公司,公司传承中国古法琉璃的脱蜡铸造技法,以独特创意、精湛工艺、完美品质,每一件作品的创作、铸造与加工都充分体现了天坤一贯的追求卓越的精神,没有最好,只有更好。公司已开发的产品包括商务礼品、家居用品、饰品、建筑装潢、奖杯、等十几个系列作品。欢迎委制!真诚期待与各界人士的合作。 Tiankun Glass Studio The company is a professional glass art manufacturing company, the company heritage of Chinese ancient method of lost wax glass casting technique to the unique creative, exquisite technology, perfect quality, each piece of writing, casting and machining are fully embodied in the usual day_kunthe spirit of excellence, there is no best, only better.Company has developed products include business gifts, household items, jewelry, construction decoration, trophies, a dozen series.Welcomed the appointment system!Sincerely look forward to cooperation with all walks of life. |
琉璃艺术介绍 琉璃是以水晶玻璃为原料,采用脱蜡铸造法烧制而成。脱蜡铸造法源于古埃及,整个过程需要数十道工序才能完成,技术难度极高。琉璃凭借其晶莹剔透的水晶材质,铸造技法的细腻表现,变化莫测的水晶色彩效果,使每一件琉璃作品都具有无可比拟的独特魅力与个性。手工制作,一模一件,件件不同的特质,使琉璃更具收藏价值,在国内外收藏界倍受推崇、深得各界人士的喜爱与珍藏。 Introduction Glass Art Glass is crystal glass as raw material, made by lost wax casting method, and firing.Lost wax casting method from ancient Egypt, the whole process needs to complete dozens of procedures, techniques extremely difficult.With its crystal clear crystal glass materials, casting techniques of fine performance, the vagaries of the crystal color effects, so that each piece of glass works are unique and unmatched charm and character.Hand, a model one, pieces of pieces of different characteristics, so that glass is more collectible, highly respected collectors at home and abrOAd, won the love of all walks of life and treasure. |