是否提供加工定制:是 | 加印LOGO:可以 |
一. 组成:
二. 安装:
1. 先将座套取下来,而后将四片加热片分别固定在座和靠背上.
2. 当把座和靠背的热片装好后,将热片上的电极引出线从座和靠背的中缝穿于座椅下面,再与线缆上插件对插.
3. 将带控制器的线缆平铺于地脚下面.线缆上的红,黑,两条线待五档控温开关安装好后再与汽车电源连接.
4. 五档开关的安装:在汽车音响的下方与手刹的前方之间,找一个适当的位置,开一个与开关大小直径相当的孔,注意孔的直径不要大于开关的直径,否则开关会松东,如果开关松动,当开关装好后,在开关和孔的边缘之间点一些502胶,不要点太多.
5. 开关安装好后,将开关上的四芯插件与线缆上的四芯插件对插.
6. 完成以上步骤后,这时候可以接电源了.首先将黑色线接到搭铁线上,如锣母与车体相连的地方,或座椅与车体相连的地方.如锣母上有漆料,应先把其剥离掉,而后将黑线压牢拧紧于此处.否则会接触不良影响使用.这时候可以接红线了,首先在仪表盘下面的配线部分,找到一条平时通过10安以上电流的线,当汽车熄灭后,这条线上电流应为零.线径在1.5毫米以上.也可以将红线压在标有10A以上的保险管座的下面.这条线寻找的方法:将万用表档位打到直流电压20V的地方,打开万用表电源开关,将黑表笔与搭铁线相接触,红表笔与要找的那一点相接触,当汽车启动后,这点有12V以上的电压,汽车熄火后,这点上没有电压.说明这条线找到了.否则用此法继续找.找到后将红线压紧接牢.这时可以试用了.
7. 需要注意的地方是:热片里的黑色碳纤维丝不要与座椅上的金属部分碰到一起。如金属拉环,固定座椅上海棉用的金属拉筋等。如果热片开孔时,黑色碳纤维外露了,这时可用单面胶带或胶布将其与金属部分隔开。
1 Composition
Four heating pads,and a wire with a controller.
2 Installation
(1)First,take off the suit of the seat,then put the pads on the back and bottom of the seat,make them durable.
(2)Connect the plugins of the pads with the controller under the seat after the pads are ready.
(3)Put the wire at the corner of the ground,connnect the switch first then connect the red line and black line and yellow line to the power supply.
(4)Find a proper place between speaker and handbrake,make a hole,the diameter of the hole could not be bigger than the diameter of the switch,if not the may be not stable,you can put some glue in the hole to make it stable.
(5)After the switch is ready,connect the switch to the four core plug-ins of the wire.
(6)You can connect to the power supply now.First,connect the black line to the ground line,if there is a screw nut on the car and there is pAInt on it,you should cut off the paint first then connect the black line under the nut,it will be poor contact if you do not cut off the paint.Then you can connnect the red line,find a line which can transmit at least 10A current under the dashbOArd,when the car is not working there should be no current,you can also connect to the fuse which can transmit at least 10A current and the diameter is at least 1.5mm.How to find the line,use a multimeter to test,when the car is working there should be at least 12V,when the car is not working there should be no voltage.Connect the yellow line to the On-line.
(7)Some point to pay attention:the carbon fiber in the pads should not meet the metal part,you can use mackintosh to separate them.
3 How to use
(1)There are five levels of the switch:51 degrees celsius(123.8 Fahrenheit) 47 degrees celsius(116.6 Fahrenheit) 43 degrees celsius(109.4 Fahrenheit) 40 degrees celsius(104 Fahrenheit) 36 degrees celsius(96.8 Fahrenheit).
(2)One switch could controll two seats.
(3)If there is only one person in the car,then only the driver's is working.Press one time the red light is up,press the second time the yellow light is up,for the third time the green light is up,for the fourth time the red light is flashing,for the fifth time the green light flashing,for the sixth time it will be turned off and the light is off.These six level means six temperature,from high to low.When you are first time to start the car in the morning,press the button once,the red light is up means the higheas level,if you feel it is too hot you can choose a proper level.
(4)If you want the two seats working just press the button for three seconds,the yellow light will flash for couple tiMES,that means the co-pilot's seat is start to heat too,the temperature is the same with the driver's seat.If someone is midway aboard,just press the button for three seconds,the yellow light flash for couple times,then the co-pilot's seat start to heat and it will find a proper temperature.Nomatter whether there is some at the co-pilot's seat just press the button for three seconds the seat will start to work.
(5)There are two way to turn it off.First,just stop the car.If only the driver's seat is working put the level at when the green light is flashing then press one more time it will stop heating.Second press the button for three seconds.
4 his product is easy to install,easy to use,could controll two seats by one controller and have five levels.