品牌:3MVHB | 型号:4945 4950 4914 | 基材:丙烯酸泡绵 |
厚度:0.4(mm) | 颜色:深灰色 | 适用范围:玻璃謩墙行业.车辆制造业.电子行业.工艺品行业等 |
宽度:610(mm) |
NOTE: The technical information and data provided here should be considered representative or typical only and should not be used for specification
purposes. User should evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user’s method of application.
Product Tape Description Adhesive Temperature Solvent Relative Application Liner
Number Thickness Type Resistance Resistance Adhesion Ideas Type
w/o liner Minutes Days HSE LSE
Mils (mm) Hours Weeks
4926 15 (0.4) Gray, closed-cell acrylic Acrylic 300°F 200°F High High Med. Bond muntin bars to windows. A
4936 25 (0.64) fOAm carrier. Conformable. (149°C) (93°C) Bond and seal polycarbonate lens A
4936F 25 (0.64) Good adhesion to many over LCD. B
4941 45 (1.1) pAInted metals. Plasticizer Bond pre-painted metals in truck A
4941F 45 (1.1) resistant. UL 746C. assembly. D
4956 62 (1.6) Bond and seal plastic windows to pre- A
4956F 62 (1.6) painted control panels/switch gear. B
4919F 25 (0.64) Black version of 4936 tape. Mount vinyl wiring ducts and conduit D
4947F 45 (1.1) Black version of 4941 tape. channels. D
4979F 62 (1.6) Black version of 4956 tape. B
4991 90 (2.3) D
5925 25 (0.64) Dark gray, closed-cell acrylic Modified 300°F 200°F High High Med Bonds to a variety of plastics D
5952 45 (1.1) foam carrier. Conformable. Good Acrylic (149°C) (93°C) and paint systems. D
5962 62 (1.6) adhesion to many painted surfaces, D
including powder coated paint.
UL 746C.
4943F 45 (1.1) Gray conformable foam. Acrylic 300°F 200°F High High Low Bond cellular phone antennas. C
4957F 62 (1.6) Apply as low as 32°F (0°C). (149°C) (93°C) Bond automatic toll tags to vehicle. C
4611 45 (1.1) Dark gray, closed-cell acrylic Acrylic 450°F 300°F High High Low Pre-powder coat paint applications: D
4646 25 (0.64) foam carrier. High temperature (232°C) (149°C) hat channels and stiffeners. D
4655 62 (1.6) resistance. UL 746C. D
4920 15 (0.4) White, closed-cell acrylic Acrylic 300°F 200°F High High Low Attach stiffeners in air conditioners, A
4930 25 (0.64) foam carrier. All-purpose adhesive. (149°C) (93°C) office furniture and A
4950 45 (1.1) UL 746C. telecommunications equipment. A
Bond aluminum skin to steel support
4955 80 (2.0) 400°F 300°F of trucks, vans, ambulances. C
4959 120 (3.0) (204°C) (149°C) Bond architectural signs to fraMES. C
4945 45 (1.1) White, closed-cell acrylic Acrylic 300°F 200°F High High Med. Attach vinyl trim. A
foam carrier. Plasticizer (149°C) (93°C) Bond vinyl extrusions.
resistant. UL 746C. Bond pre-painted truck
4946 45 (1.1) Film liner version of 4945. and trailer skins. B
4905 20 (0.5) Clear, acrylic construction Acrylic 300°F 200°F High High Low Seal skylight inner/outer dome. D
4910 40 (1.0) for joining transparent material. (149°C) (93°C) Mount back lit translucent signs. D
Edge-bond resin filled glass.
4951 45 (1.1) White, closed-cell acrylic Acrylic 300°F 200°F High High Low Mount panels to aluminum frames in C
foam carrier. Apply as low as (149°C) (93°C) buildings, trucks, and trailers.
32°F (0°C). Mount trim to portable buildings.
4932 25 (0.64) White, closed-cell acrylic foam LSE 200°F 160°F High High High Bond powder painted metal stiffeners A
4952 45 (1.1) carrier. Good adhesion to (93°C) (71°C) to office desks and file cabinets. A
polypropylene and many Bond polypropylene and polystyrene.
powder paints.
F-9460 PC 2.0 (0.05) Clear adhesive transfer tape. 100 MP 500°F 300°F High High Low Bond decorative metal trim. E
F-9469 PC 5.0 (0.13) High shear strength adhesive. (260°C) (149°C) Bond flexible circuits to aluminum E
F-9473 PC 10 (0.25) UL 746C. rigidizers or heat sinks. E
TransferTape 3M™ VHB™ Tape 3M™ VHB™ Conformable Tape