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Keurig My K-Cup Replacement Coffee Filter Set fits B30 B40 B
Keurig My K-Cup Replacement Coffee Filter Set fits B30 B40 B
Keurig My K-Cup Replacement Coffee Filter Set fits B30 B40 B
Keurig My K-Cup Replacement Coffee Filter Set fits B30 B40 B
Keurig My K-Cup Replacement Coffee Filter Set fits B30 B40 B

Keurig My K-Cup Replacement Coffee Filter Set fits B30 B40 B

address  广东
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-08-16
产品详细说明 收藏此产品
适用送礼场合:广告促销,商务馈赠 功能:过滤咖啡可重用 货号:JN-5080
加工定制:是 加印LOGO:可以 产地:中国

Keurig My K-Cup Replacement Coffee Filter Set fits B30 B40 B


 产品净毛重:38g / 39g



Product Features
Reusable K-Cup coffee filter exclusive to the Keurig Home Brewing System
Allows users to use their own gourmet ground coffee in a Keurig brewer
Works in Keurig home brewers B40 Elite, B50 Ultra, and B60 Special Edition
Does not fit B100, B100P, or B2000/3 Keurig brewers
Rinse clean under running water after each use

Product Description

Exclusive to the Keurig Home Brewing System, this reusable K-Cup coffee filter allows users to enjoy their own gourmet ground coffee in a Keurig brewer. Made of a MESh metal filter with durable plastic framing, the unit can hold up to about 2 tablespoons of ground coffee. The black plastic K-Cup holder from the coffeemaker's filter assembly must first be removed before using the reusable coffee filter. After each use, remove the filter to rinse it clean under running water. It's then ready to use agAIn for brewing more cups of coffee. The filter only works in Keurig home brewers B40 Elite, B50 Ultra, and B60 Special Edition. It does not fit B100, B100P, or B2000/3 Keurig brewers.
Product Description
My K-Cup Reusable coffee filter - Use your own gourmet coffee in a reusable filter. Exclusive to the Keurig Home Brewing System.

可重用的k -咖啡过滤器独家Keurig家里酿造系统
不适合B100,B100P,或B2000/3 Keurig酿酒吗
独家Keurig家里酿造系统,这可重用的k -咖啡过滤器允许用户享受自己的美食咖啡粉在Keurig布鲁尔。由一个网状金属过滤器与耐用的塑料框,单位可容纳2汤匙的咖啡粉。黑色塑料k -持有人从咖啡壶的过滤器总成必须先拆除之前使用可重用的咖啡过滤器。每次使用后,取出滤冲洗干净在自来水。然后就可以重新使用杯以上咖啡的冲泡。过滤器只能工作在3家酿酒Keurig精英,B50超,B60特别版。它不适合B100,B100P,或B2000/3 Keurig酿酒。
我的k -可重用的咖啡滤纸,用你自己的极品咖啡在一个可重用的过滤器。独家Keurig家里酿造系统。


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