适用品牌:苹果 | 适用型号:苹果4代 IPHONE 4G | 材质:塑料 |
颜色:多种颜色 | 工艺:注塑/注射 | 外型尺寸:标准 |
翔盈数码公司是一家专业生产各类单底壳、清水套、硅胶套等手机配件的工厂。本产品采用优质材料,时尚美观,产品厚实,能完美保护您的IPHOEN 4G手机。价格实惠,是广大公司、工厂的首选供应商,有不同纹路及颜色,可自选。
产品质量 Quality of Product | 发货前所有商品都必须经过质检部门的严格检验,确保无任何质量问题方可出厂。We have special dpartemnts to ensure that our products are no any quality problem before delivery |
规格&库存 Specifications& Stock | 在拍宝贝前请仔细查看商品的规格型号!另外因库存随时会变动,请购买前与我们联系确认。Carefully check product specifications before buying. Due to stock changing at any time, please check with us before order. |
产品图片 The Pictures | 图片均100%实物拍摄,但由于光线及显示器的原因,您所看到图片可能会有轻微的色差问题,这是不可避免的,请谅解!如无法接受的买家请慎购买。Due to taken in light and the monitor,pictures may have a slight chromatism problem,this is inevitable,please forgive! If can not accept buyers please buy cautiously. |
订做产品 OEM Design | 欢迎客户来样来图订做,我们会报最优惠价格。 We are appreciated if you send us the samples or pictures with your design, and then we will quote you the best favorable price. |
售后服务 After-sales Service | 收货或者取货时,请验货后签单,如有物品损坏或者少货现象,请不要签收。先与我们联系说明情况并让物流公司或者快递人员证明确认后再做处理,否则签收后出现任何问题卖家概不负责。 Receiving or take the goods, please check it before sign the bill. |