型号:CLG-303B | 烘烤温度:50-150(℃) | 最大烘烤面积:1M&tiMES;1.2M(mm) |
品牌:保得利、卡宝迪 | 面漆烘烤时间:0-99(min) | 电源电压:AC-220(V) |
加工定制:是 |
◎ 电子电路触摸控制, 电脑记忆系统。
Using special shortwave infrared quartz glass as the heat source which rhe light-waveoffers powerful penetrability
◎ 釆用特制短波红外线石英发射管,穿透能力强。
Lamps are rotatable through three-dimensional direction,and they can changed any position and angle that make sure to work convenient for car’spAInting。
◎ 灯盘可在三维方向自由调整,方便不同角度和部位的烤漆需求。
The equipment can be used to dry automobile yesin putty,two-component paint and water base cOAting。 lt has wideiy scope of application。
◎ 可烤原子灰,双组分漆和水基漆,适用范围广。
Lamp cover adopts stainless steel with shining mirror-like surface,reflective effect good,thermal gather homogeneously。
◎ 灯罩采用徳国进囗镜面铝制作,反射效果好,聚热能力强。
Short drying time to ensure high proficiency and high quality of painting surface。
◎ 烤漆时间短,工作效率高,漆面质量好。
Baking time is short,high work efficiency,good surface quality。
◎ 定时装置0-99分钟范围内可自由选择,实现工作过程的自动控制,
Timing devices within 0-99minutes are free to choose,and the process of automatic control。
◎ 特殊的功率调节开关,实现设备额定功率范围内任意选择调节。
Special power adjustment switch can achieve arbitrary choice adjustment in the rated power range
◎ 万能脚轮移动灵活,位置调整简单方便。
The casters,it can move freely,trouble free and convenient。
◎ 配带刹车的脚轮,利于设备工作时的位置固定。
Wheels with brake are good use of position fixed when the equipments worked。
◎ 三灯管独立开关控制
Three lampindependent switch control
手 机:13531390198 13902561905
公司电话:86 0757 25662505
传 真: 86 0757 26988608