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供应辅料花边 全棉花边 (图)
供应辅料花边 全棉花边 (图)
供应辅料花边 全棉花边 (图)
供应辅料花边 全棉花边 (图)
供应辅料花边 全棉花边 (图)

供应辅料花边 全棉花边 (图)

address  福建 泉州市
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
供货总量: 1000000000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2025-03-15
产品详细说明 收藏此产品

苏亚塑胶有限公司是一家专业的服装辅料生产商,公司位于素有”中国原材料之都”美誉的福建省泉州市。是一家从事生产衣架,花边,织带,包装袋等系列产品的企业。公司一直致力于走规范化,规模化发展道路,拥有完善而又科学的管理体制,并坚持“以人为本”的管理理念,充分挖掘每位公司人员的潜力,为广大客户提供一支优秀的服务团队。      在公司管理人才与实战人才的共同努力下,我们秉承“质量至尊,维誉至诚,与时俱进,共创双赢”的服务宗旨,已经与国内及欧美多家企业有了长期友好的合作。在保证品质的前提下,产品的多样化,款式的时尚化,使我们的产品畅销于海内外,并赢得了广大客户的信赖及高度赞誉。      客户至上,服务一流,诚信经营是公司坚定不移的经营理念,公司将为确保顾客满意,超越顾客期望而持续改进于不断创新。   Company Profile:      Suya Plastic Co., Ltd. is located in Quanzhou Fujian Province which is "raw materials capital of China'". Suya is a professional company specialized in hanger, lace, ribbon, fabric products. Company has been committed to take the standardized, large-scale development mode, all-sided scientific management system, and adhere to the "people-oriented" management concept. we fully exploit the potential of each staff to provide our clients with an outstanding service team.


 With the hard work of management personnel and actual circumstances, we uphold of "quality supreme, sincere prAIse, with the tiMES, to create win-win" principle of service, has a number of domestic and South American groups have long-term friendly cooperation . In the premise of quality assurance, product diversification, style fashion, and make our products sell well at home and abrOAd, and won the trust of our customers and highly praised.


 Customer first, service first-class credit management is the management firm, the company will ensure customer satisfaction, exceed customer expectations and continuous improvement in innovation.





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