| MFS型涡轮磨粉机 Model MFS Turbine Powder Grinding Machine | | | | 特点及用途: Features and application : | | > 本机是我公司消化吸收国外先进技术研制而成,广泛适用于塑料、化工、制药、食品、饲料等行业的多种非金属物料的粉碎细化。具有设计先进、结构合理、能耗低、产量高、运转平稳、安装使用及维护简单之优点。深受国内外用户的好评。该机为人敏性物料设计的“动刀盘水冷却”结构,正申请国家专利。可根据用户提供的物料特性进行刀盘“个性化设计”。 > This machine is made by our introducing advanced foreign technique, it is widely used in crushing of non-metallic material in the industries of plastics, chemicals, pharmacy manufacturing, food, feed, etc. It has such advantages as advanced design, reasonable structure, high output, low power consumption, stable operation, simple assembly and use and mAIntenance, etc. It is rather popular by users both at home and abrOAd. This machine is designed for human sensitive material with the structure of "moving blade wheel water cooling", we are applying this technique for national patent. We can conduct "individual design" for the blade wheel according to the properties of material provided by the customer. | | | | 主要技术参数 Main Technical Parameter: | 型号 | | | MFS380 | MFS600 | 生产能力 | | 80-300 | 80-400 | 100 | 粉体细度目 | Fineness of powder (eyes) | 20-800 | 20-800 | <70 | 转子直径 | | Φ300 | Φ380 | Φ600 | 转子转速 | Rotational speed of rotor | | 4200 | 4200 | 主电机功率 | Power of main motor | 18.5 | 30 | 55 | 主电机型号 | | | Y200L1-2 | Y250L-2 | 电源 | Electric power | 380V50Hz | 380V50Hz | 380V50Hz | | | | |