Ecotest Plus COAting Thickness
This range of small, BATtery operated gauges will measure
most surface coatings on steel (except electroplated nickel),
and all non- conductive coatings on non- ferrous metals such
as aluminium, stAInless steel, brass etc.
Three models are available- Ferrous up to 3mm, Non-ferrous
up to 2mm and FN dual gauge with a single probe up to 2mm.
The gauge is protected by a rubber casing during use and is
supplied with a leatherette carry case and calibration shims.
F Conforms to DIN EN ISO 2178 & 2360, BS 5411
Backlit display
Auto power down
Reads in 洀 & mm
Fast - 45 readings per minute
Tolerance 2 洀 or 2-4%
Ref SE1000F 0-3000洀 Ferrous
Ref SE1000N 0-2000洀 Non-Ferrous
Ref SE1000FN 0-2000洀 Ferrous/Non-Ferrous免责声明:本文所用视频、图片、文字如涉及作品版权问题,请第一时间告知,我们将根据您提供的证明材料确认版权并立即删除内容。