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address  山东
品 牌: 博创重工 
型 号: WG5 
单 价: 面议 
起 订: 1 公斤 
供货总量: 1000000000 公斤
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2025-03-15
产品详细说明 收藏此产品



This equipment belongs to the AIr to beat send machinery, please read carefully before using this machinery, the operator pre must be in accordance with the instructions rigorous training, this will benefit you the safe use of the equipment.






一、用途和特点Use and characteristics


WG5 horizontal feeder is a state-of-the-art structure pneumatic conveying device, it uses the technology of fluidized pressure feed, fluidized bed design unique, high efficiency blowoff. Applicable to transport cement, grain, fly ash and other non-viscous or granular materials. The discharge port joint use of bulk cement truck quick connector, easy to feed alternately with the realization of the cement truck, the key components and spare parts can be interchanged with the bulk cement truck, use and maintenance to the user brings great convenience .


Horizontal feeder capacity, high capacity utilization, installation, easy adjustment, compact structure, light weight, easy to operate, convenient transfer; terrain in a small, easy to carry out the process layout.


二、主要结构和性能Main structure and function


The feeder by the host and power (see figure 2)


Host by the biconical tank feeder unlOAding tone road system and tank bearing, the main technical parameters are as follows:


Form of tank

双锥卧置Double cone in horizontal


Pressure of workMpa



Volume of tankm3


卸料管内径Discharge tube inner diameter(mm)



Blow unloading efficiencyt/min



Host weight(kg)



Residual amoun%



Host overall dimensions(mm)





Air supply part consists of air compressor, motor, frame, etc, its main technical data as follows





Name of air compressor

无油滑摆式空压机Noflattering pendulum air compressor



Air compressortype



Rated pressure





Motor type



Rated power



Rated voltage



气源部分自重Weight of air supply part


传动形式The transfmission form

三角带Triangular belt C-1700×4

气源部分外形尺寸(长×宽×高)     1300×714×916mm

Air supply part dimensionL×W×H1300×714×916 mm  

三、运输、安装和调试Transport installation and test


The transport of the native host gas source can be divided into two parts, the the restricted height can be removed, the tank upper portion of the discharge port, the safety valve etc..


   The use of the machine, artificial feeding, the host is placed in the pit depth of 1.8 meters. Insert random filter feeding, in order to achieve effective to prevent shredding, wet material caking and other debris into the tank, in order to avoid blockage accident.


The tank shall be placed on the ground to be flat, if not flat, the discharge time and the residual amount will increase.


Part of the gas source is placed in the tank near the ground to be fixed, specific location visualization site layout custom.


Delivery pipe having a diameter of 4 ", the curved portion can not be more than two.


Commissioning, pay attention to the motor turn should be indicated by the steering and air compressor consistent.

四、操作使用和注意事项Operation and attentionmatters



After installed, check the tank installation is solid feeding device meets the aforementioned requirements.

  2)打开放气阀210(参见附图,下同)hit an open valve 2 and 10 (see maps)

  3)打开加料口盖3Open the feeding port cap 3


  5)关闭加料口。Close the feed port

  6)关闭放气阀。Close the bleeder valve.


1在打开装料口盖前,必须先打开放气阀,以排出罐内残余气压以预防危险。(详见第五章)open the charging port cover, must hit an open valve to drain the tank residual air pressure to prevent the danger. (See Chapter 5)

2)打开装料口时,应特别注意防止水进入罐内,以免造成罐内结块,输送效率降低或破坏流化床。To open the filling opening, should pay special attention to prevent water from entering the tank, avoid tank caking, conveyance efficiency to reduce or destroy the fluidized bed.

3)在关闭装料口时须将落在装料口上的粉尘擦拭干净,以保证气密性良好和延长密封寿命。when the filling opening is closed shall fall on the charge port dust wipe clean, to ensure good airtightness and extending seal life.



1)将接收物料处的输送管与卸料口可靠的连接。To the conveying tube and the discharge opening of the receiving material at a reliable connection.

2)确认操纵阀78在开启的位置,二次喷嘴阀5与卸料阀4在关闭的位置。Validate the manipulation of valves 7 and 8 in the open position, the second nozzle to the valve 5 and the discharging valve 4 in the closed position.

3)启动电动机。To start the motor.

4)当罐内压力升高到0.19Mpa,将二次喷嘴阀5置于半开状态,并打开卸料阀4when the pressure in the tank was raised to 0.19 MPa, the secondary nozzle valve 5 is placed in the half-open state, and opens the discharge valve 4.


Adjust the secondary nozzle valve 5, the tank pressure to stabilize at 0.19Mpa.

6)当压力降至0.13Mpa,可视具体情况分别开7,8两个操作阀,以扫清罐体两端的物料。Depending on the particular case when the pressure was lowered 0.13mpa open 7,8 two operating valves, in order to clear away the material at both ends of the can body.

7)当压力降至0.1Mpa以下时,可反复将二次喷嘴阀开闭数次。when the pressure falls below 0.1Mpa, can be repeated, the secondary nozzle valve opened and closed several times.

8)当压力降至0.03Mpa以下时,表示卸料完毕,此时可关掉电源。when the pressure falls below 0.03Mpa unloading is complete, turn off the power at this time.

9)关闭卸料阀。Close the discharge valve.




To the tank pressure must be confirmed before the discharge valve is turned off.


To open the discharge valve shall open the nozzle valve, if in reverse order, cause clogging.


If the pressure suddenly rose in uninstall may transfer hose clogging occurs, the discharge valve shall be operated valves 7,8 Close the secondary nozzle valve 5 to open the clogged part blown through when uninstall interrupted due to other reasons, also for the same operation, cleaning delivery hose.

   (4)输送软管是否堵塞,很容易识别Delivery hose is blocked, it is easy to identify:


blocked hose weight will surge Qingtong will be lighter.


put his ear to the hose, the normal uninstall can hear the material flow in the tube sound.

c .确认堵塞解除后,仍按3.23.3的要求再度进行卸料操作。

confirm clogging lifting unloading operation again based upon the requirements of 3.2 and 3.3.



If the delivery hose congested, the above method does not blow through, you need to stop the work of the air compressor, hit the open valve to release the air tube, then removed mechanically clogging.


If you start to blow off the pressure tube tune up (<0.13Mpa), the discharge suction tube mouth clogging material flow within the hose should check if the material flow can continue blowing unloading, if there is no flow of material, you should stop blowing unloading open feed cover, clear tank debris, or to identify the causes for congestion (such as breathable cloth too loose).


5紧急情况下的停止卸载方法Emergency stop unloading method

1在卸载作业中,如储仓装满而溢出发生意外情况,须立即停止卸载操作,可按下述情况处理of in uninstall the job, such as silos filled with overflow accident, shall immediately stop the unloading operation, according to the following treatment

   a关闭卸料阀Close the discharge valve;

b完全打开二次喷嘴;fully open secondary nozzle;

c关掉电动机;c switch off the motor;


Close the front and rear positions operating valve, fully release the residual pressure of the tank;

e按照上述步骤,随时中断卸料作业,但作业前,应当事先检查储仓容量是否足够,以防发生意外。In accordance with the above steps, ready to interrupt the discharge operation, but should check in advance before the operations, the adequacy of the capacity of the storage bin to prevent accidents.

2)二次喷嘴阀的作用The role of the secondary nozzle valve

  二次喷嘴是为调节卸料管中物料与空气的混合比而设,当二次喷嘴送入的空气量不够时,混合比升高容易发生堵塞,当输入空气量过大时,混合比例降低导致吹卸下降。将二次喷嘴调到最佳高度时可使罐内水泥在最短时间内卸出,其理想高度主要受进气管配方式、罐内余料量、卸料高度、物料容重等因素影响。Secondary nozzle for adjusting the unloading tube material with the mixing ratio of the air and, when the amount of air fed into the secondary nozzle is not enough, the mixing ratio of the elevated prone to clogging, when the input air is excessive, the mixing ratio is reduced The blowoff decline. The secondary nozzle set to the optimum height tank cement can be unloaded in the shortest time, the ideal height into the trachea with mainly affected by the tank more than quantity, discharge height, material bulk density factors.

安全注意事项Security considerations

1.在工作中发现加料口漏气,应立即切断空压机电源,停止向罐内供气,将罐内气压卸净,才可打开加料口盖进行检查,否则会造成人身安全事故。检查加料口盖O型密封圈是否损坏,若损坏应予以更换,将O型密封圈上的灰尘清除干净,将加料口关好,重新加压工作。The charging port leak found in the work, should immediately cut off the air compressor power to stop the air flow to the tank, the tank Pressure unloading net checks required to open the charging port cover otherwise cause safety incidents. Check the charging port cover O-ring seals for damage, if the damage should be replaced, and the O-ring on the dust cleared, the charging port closed, pressurized working again.


Close the charging port cover, non-spending Afterburner rod, otherwise it will cause damage to the internal components, and danger.


The horizontal feeder is prohibited near the charging port, charging port one meter away from the outside.



Tank when no air flow, and then open the discharge valve to the right, when a discharge valve on the right should be no air flow. If the air outflow left deflated device resistance is too large, or clogging, and so the air pressure is completely released, open the charging port cover to the left deflated device dredge, then normal operation. Occurred deflated device resistance is too large phenomenon is generally caused due to excessive dust adhesion breathable fabric covers on the lower part of the bleeder valve should be removed this part of the dust in a timely manner. Open the feeding port cap when the tank should not be a gas release, if gas release, you should check to clear the left and right bleed valve. In short, during the operation, beware of safety incidents caused by incomplete because the bleeder valve is clogged or deflated.

.保养方法Repair and maintenance


For the long-term to maintain the good performance of the feeder, the following inspection and maintenance work must be carried out


Routine maintenance: (daily start work the following maintenance should be checked)


Check the compressor rotation system lubrication, such as found insufficient lubrication should bear grease.

Check the gas system valve


Whether the accumulation of dust, whether the disruption to normal work.


Check the gas line ministries loose bolts, loose should be promptly tighten.


Check the ministries trachea leaks found leakage or other bad at, should be repaired immediately excluded.

5)检查各部气管有无堵塞。Check ministries trachea blockage.


Check inside the tank bed whether there are remnants of stone blocks and other debris, if any, should be promptly cleaned up.


Check the feed cover each claw its contact with the surface of the pressure with or without deformation or damage, check the charging port cover is closed, whether open and flexible sealing is good.

2.定期检查和保养.Regular inspection and maintenance


cleaned once a week air compressor air filter element, and when the dust for a long time, the cleaning interval should be shortened.


   biweekly checks the size of the degree of rotation of belt slack, and 8 mm is appropriate to add the pressure of 5 kg in the center of the belt slack side, displacement.


The monthly check safety valve set pressure 0.195Mpa.


once every six months to check the valve wear.

3.其他注意事项Other considerations:

  1)为延长流化床使用寿命,保证其正常透气性,当装卸工作进行完毕后,要及时关好加料口及卸料口,防止雨水潮气侵入各个阀门,平台应经常保持干燥,严禁积水。To extend the fluidized bed life, to ensure their normal permeability when loading and unloading work after off good feeding port and the discharge port, prevent stormwater moisture each valve platform should always be kept dry, non-plot water.


air compressor and the motor should follow its instruction manual and maintenance in order to guarantee the normal work.


Remove once every six months, the charging port cover center wire sets, check screw and wire sets wear and painted in the screw, wire mother and the center sets cavity butter



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