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linksys pap2-na 网络电话语音网关
linksys pap2-na 网络电话语音网关
linksys pap2-na 网络电话语音网关
linksys pap2-na 网络电话语音网关
linksys pap2-na 网络电话语音网关

linksys pap2-na 网络电话语音网关

address  广东 深圳市
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
供货总量: 1000 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2025-02-28
产品详细说明 收藏此产品
品牌:linksys 型号:pap2-na 类别:语音
类型:有线 配置接口:两口 网络接口:WAN
传真速率:t.38 储存量:其他 传真精度:100
话机接口:2 网管方式:dscp 质保:一年





  • LINKSYS PAP2 设置说明书
    PAP2设备起动后,按电话机的:****(四个米字键)直到电话在英语报音提示。然后,按:110#,电话会报出这个PAP2设备在路由器上分配的地址。当然每个设备分配的地址不同的,,注意听电话提示音。例如:PAP2在路由器上分配的IP是: ,打开IE,在地址中输入: 回车,会出现如下界面.

    然后,找到管理入口, admin login。单击左键,找开如下界面。设置Line 1电话机(line 2就是第二个电话机,与设备上的phone 1和phone 2相对应,第二个电话机的设置方法与第一个电话机相同),填按下图示,填好服务器的IP地址(这个由网络电话服务商提供)。填好你的帐号和密码。保存设置就行了。。。PAP2就可以打电话了。。



    Linksys PAP2  Vbuzzer 服务设置方法

    Linksys PAP2 Vbuzzer 设置方法

  • 设置:
    2,Display Name: zhansan (你的显示名字)
    User ID: zhansan (你的登陆用户名)
    Password:**** (你的密码)

    Linksys PAP2

    Hello Everybody,

    With this post, we are trying to provide step-by-step guides for any Linksys PAP2 users to configure or re-configure the device to work with Vbuzzer.

    Step 1.Connect the Linksys PAP2 to an Internet connection by the following pictures.

    Plug an analog telephone into the “Phone 1” port

    Plug the Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port of the Linksys PAP2 in order to connect it to a router or an Internet connection.

    Connect the power cord to the Linksys PAP2.



    Step2. Set the Linksys PAP2 to the factory default configuration.

    If you ONLY want to change some items of setting, please skip this step.

    Pick up the phone attached to the Linksys.


    Press1to confirm

    Hang up the phone


    Step3. Obtain an IP address of the Linksys PAP2

    Enable DHCP to acquire an IP address automatically

    Pick up the phone attached to the Linksys


    Press101#after you hear “Linksys configuration menu.”

    Press1#to enable DHCP

    Hang up the phone and wait a while.

    Obtain a valid IP address of the Linksys PAP2.

    Pick up the phone attached to the Linksys PAP2


    Press110#after you hear “Linksys configuration menu”

    The Linksys will read back an IP address of the PAP2. If this IP address is valid, you can immediately go to Step 5. Otherwise, you need to take the following Step C.

    If the IP address of the PAP2 is, please take the following actions.

    Hang up the phone, unplug and replug the PAP2 power cord to reboot.

    Wait a few minutes, then check the IP address again by Step B

    If the IP address is still invalid, please check the following aspects.

    The DHCP server does not assign an IP address to the PAP2. Please configure the DHCP server.

    The network does not have a DHCP server. Please configure a static IP address manually by Step 4.

    Step 4. Configure a static IP address manually

    If the Linksys PAP2 can not acquire a valid IP address automatically, it is necessary to configure a static IP address manually.

    ObtAIn an IP address, a default gateway and a subnet mask

    Pick up the phone connected to the Linksys.


    Press101#after you hear “Linksys configuration menu”

    Press0#to disable DHCP.

    Press1to save the setting.

    Press111#to access the IP address Menu

    Input the static IP address followed by # and use * to indicate a period (.). For example, the IP address is would be 192*168*1*135#.

    Press1to save the setting.

    Press131#to access the default gateway menu.

    Enter the default gateway followed by # and use * to indicate a period (.).

    Press1to save the setting.

    Press121#to access the subnet mask menu

    Enter the subnet mask followed by # and use * to indicate a period (.).

    Press1to save the setting.


    Finally, please verify the IP address of Linksys is valid by Step 3.


    Step 5. Set the configuration of the Linksys

    Open the configuration page by typing the following link into your web browser:

    http://IP_address/where IP_address is the IP address of the Linksys PAP2.

    Click on “Admin Login” and then click on “Switch to advanced view”.

    Click on the “Line 1” tab link. A configuration will be displayed. Fill in the highlighted fields. Please do not modify other default values.

    Click on the “User 1” tab link. Another configuration will be displayed. Please fill in the highlighted fields and do not touch other default values.


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