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三元催化器 催化转化器 净化器 发动机后处理TWC
三元催化器 催化转化器 净化器 发动机后处理TWC
三元催化器 催化转化器 净化器 发动机后处理TWC
三元催化器 催化转化器 净化器 发动机后处理TWC
三元催化器 催化转化器 净化器 发动机后处理TWC

三元催化器 催化转化器 净化器 发动机后处理TWC

address  安徽
单 价: 100.00元/ 
起 订:  
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-05-24
即时询单   立即购买  加入购物车
产品详细说明 收藏此产品
加工定制:是 排放标准:欧Ⅲ 转化率:99(%)
品牌:ActBlue 型号:ActBlue002 适用车型:汽油发动机
起燃温度:100(℃) 耐热性:1400(℃) 产地:池州



·The rare earth complex oxides produced by the template technology has high oxygen storage capacity, surface area, and temperature resistance, which achieved the internationally advanced level;
·Special ceramic substrate has high temperature resistance and surface area, and fine pore distribution;
·Highly dispersed active components of precious metal greatly increase oxygen storage capability and catalytic activity;
·The catalyst production process and advanced technology ensure good match between washcOAt and honeycomb substrate;
·The coating uniformity ensures the excellent resistance of high temperature, thermal shock and rigorous conditions;
·Has past National Testing Center certification, meeting national standard GB18352.3-2007 and
 Euro III and Euro IV mandates.


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  • 联系人: 朱霞(女士)