排放标准:欧Ⅲ | 转化率:99(%) | 品牌:koch |
型号:HL6P | 适用车型:合力叉车 | 起燃温度:50(℃) |
耐热性:500(℃) | 产地:上海 |
2. 功能:过滤柴油引擎在起动瞬间及运转中黑烟效率达 95% 以上。
3. 优点:发动机起动瞬间排烟不透光率超过 95% ,为微小颗粒,使粒状污染物经陶瓷细胞壁 ( 孔径: 12~22 μΜ ) 来捕捉柴油引擎所排放之粒状污染物,捕捉粒状污染物 ( 黑烟 ) 效率达 95% 以上,为处理柴油引擎排放黑烟最有效方式。
ECS exhaust purification for mines and tunnels
One of the most demanding areas for emission control
Harmful emissions can quickly build up in underground areas which are difficult to ventilate. Decreased AIrflow and poor circulation means increased exposure to diesel exhaust which affects worker health and safety. ECS ability to control these emissions established our reputation for product and systems excellence and reliability.
ECS offers three retrofit solutions; particulate filters and diesel oxidations catalysts. The particulate filter Unikat Combifilter with exchange system for shift work or the Cattrap™are both listed on MSHA's* list for systems not increasing NO2.
ECS provides products to the majority of worldwide underground machine manufacturers.
2. 功能:过滤柴油引擎在起动瞬间及运转中黑烟效率达 95% 以上。
3. 优点:发动机起动瞬间排烟不透光率超过 95% ,为微小颗粒,使粒状污染物经陶瓷细胞壁 ( 孔径: 12~22 μΜ ) 来捕捉柴油引擎所排放之粒状污染物,捕捉粒状污染物 ( 黑烟 ) 效率达 95% 以上,为处理柴油引擎排放黑烟最有效方式。