加工定制: | 是 |
类型: | 彩色镀铝膜 |
材质: | 铝膜+气泡膜 |
适用范围: | 广泛 |
外层为镀铝膜,表面光滑平整,可在不侵犯他人知识产权的情况下,根据客户要求印刷不同图案、商标及文字;内衬气泡膜,具缓冲防震作用,防止物品因压,碰,跌落而损坏;袋子美观大方,外层镀铝膜颜色可根据客户要求定制;信封口自粘条设计,安全便捷;推荐使用范围:邮寄光盘碟片、磁带、电子元件、集成电路板、光学镜头、书籍、证件、相 框、礼 品、钟表…等物品。
Outer layer of blue aluminized film is with smooth and glittering surface ; Inner bubble lining is with superior cushioning protection;
Customized designs and printings are avAIlable;
Self-adhesive tape firmly secure the inside packed item;
Multi-functions for mailing and package;
Lightweight for postage savings;
100% recycle ,and accord with the request of environmentalism;
Can be used to post tape , CD, camera, lens , film, certificate , gifts , books etc.