品牌: | 德胜 |
型号: | SB-1 |
类型: | usB发热片 |
与电脑连接方式: | 有线 |
接口: | USB |
3. 启动关闭时,一直保持额定工作功率,不会产生瞬间最大功率,发热均匀,热滞后小,升温速度快,通电即热,2分钟就达到设计温度
汽车座椅加热系统car seat heating system
一综合说明General information
此款产品是我们多年研究的结晶,在控制方面采用微电脑控制,温度任意调节,同时有30分钟定时功能.组成更为简单,只有两部分,由插到点烟器上的控制器和连体热片组成.发热部分采用高科技发热材料,升温快. This product is the result of our effort on researching and developing through many years, the control system is controlled by the micro-computer, the temperature is adjusting freely, with 30minutes timing function. The product is made by only two sections, the controller which is plug in to the cigarette-plug plus pads, the heating element is adopted by hi-tech heating material, with the character of temperature rAIsing rapidly.
二是您冬季的好伴侣your best companion in winter season
在每年寒冷的冬季,它升温快,温度任意调节,使您的腰酸腿疼有一定的缓解作用,对健康者-有一定的保健作用,可避免因寒风的入侵所引发的疼痛.in every cold winter, this product will reducing your painful of your waist and back through it’s rapidly temperature-raising and temperature-adjusting, it healthy to the people, to live away from the painful caused by cold wind.
三安装方法installation guide
1.将座椅的外座套取下,而后将发热片的背面双面胶撕开,再将发热片粘贴到座和靠背上,再把座套套好.贴热片时座和靠背粘贴时要成直角take out the outer cover of the seat, tear off the double-side sticky, stick the heating pad into the bottom and back from the seat, then re-cover the seat cover, it should be a 90degree angle while sticking the bottom and back
2.将加热体的电极引出线从座和靠背的中缝处放于座椅下面.put the extend wire from electrode at the bottom of the seat where the position of the seat and back
3.将温度控制器插到汽车点烟器的插座中.而后将控制器的插头和发热体的插座在座椅下方对接,这时座椅加温系统就安装好了.plug the temperature controller into the cigarette-plug, to connect the connector of controller with the connector of the heating pads under the seat, then the whole heating system is installed well.
四使用方法user’s manual
1.将温度控制器的开关从细的符号方向向粗符号方旋转,这时电源灯和调温灯同时亮,红灯为升温工作灯,绿灯为电源灯.turn the switch of the temperature controller from thin-sign to the thick-sign, the indicator of power and temperature-adjusting will be light-on at the same time, the red-indicator mean temperature raising indicator, the green-indicator means power indicator.
2.调温开关上的温度指示符号越粗表示温度越高.即向粗符号方向旋转到某一位置不动后,表示把温度设定在此点上.the changes of thicker-sign of temperature indicator from temperature adjusting switch means raising the temperature steadily, the temperature will be set up wile you turn the switch to the thicker-sign and stay in a certain position.
3.如果在使用一段时间后发现温度较高,这时可向细符号方向旋转,将温度设定低一些.if you feel the temperature is higher after you using it for a certain time, to reduce the set up temperature by turning the switch to the thinner-sign.
4.如果要关掉加热系统,只需将调温开关旋到温度调节符号最小处后即可,这时控制器上的灯全部灭掉.if you want switch off the heating system, just turn the temperature adjusting switch into the minimize of the sign, the indicator from the controller will be off at this time.
5.具有定时功能timing function
此控制器有30分钟定时功能,到30分钟后会自动关掉升温系统,如果需要继续使用,只需关了开关后再开一次即可.因为汽车有两种功能的点烟器,一种是关闭发动机后点烟器上没有电源输出,另一种是关闭汽车发动机后点烟器上仍有电源输出,这时如果忘关加温系统,停放一夜后汽车电瓶的电会被用掉一部分,造成第二天早晨启不着车.所以才设计了定时功能.this controller has the ability of timing with 30minutes, the system will be shut off the automatic temperature raising after 30minutes. If you want go on to use it, just switch off the switch and open it once again. This design is for that there are two functions of cigarette from the car one is, there is no power on after switch off the engine. Another on is, there is still power on from the cigarette-plug after switch off the engine, for this kind of cigarette, if you forget to switch off the heating system, it will be consumed some power from car BATtery after one nigh parking, then it will cause the car starting trouble at the second morning, that’s the reason of this function desiged
1.控制器的点烟器插头要和汽车上的点烟器插座要插接牢固.it should be a solid connection between the plug from controller with the cigarette-plug from the car
2.发热体要与汽车主驾驶的座和靠背粘贴牢固,并成直角.the heating pads should be stick solidly and in 90degree angle to the bottom and back from the seat of car driver
〈1〉。 我们已给国内外多家整车厂配套。〈2〉。是汽车美容,汽车装饰,汽车维修,4s店首选产品。〈3〉。私家车也可方便安装。