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厂家供应优质大理石抛光粉 大理石结晶粉
厂家供应优质大理石抛光粉 大理石结晶粉
厂家供应优质大理石抛光粉 大理石结晶粉
厂家供应优质大理石抛光粉 大理石结晶粉
厂家供应优质大理石抛光粉 大理石结晶粉

厂家供应优质大理石抛光粉 大理石结晶粉

address  浙江
单 价: 75.00元/ 
起 订:  
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-05-24
即时询单   立即购买  加入购物车
产品详细说明 收藏此产品
产地:浙江 溶剂类型:粉末状 防护效果:专业型
界面作用力:亲水型 溶质成份:氟化硅型 作用机理:渗透型
规格:抛光粉 适用范围:大理石 品牌:MP3
防护用途:表面石材 溶解性能:其他

   用 途
    This product is mAInly for special ShiJing marble renovation do either by grinding flour, thermal and chemical reaction to produce all sorts of natural marble, sealing the stone surface, can repair wool stoma small scratches and formed crystals in stone material surface polishing made of stone material surface bright mirror to the hard cover, stone material surface lens bright and clear, damage and stain.
    How to use
    4、 起光快、处理后石材表面晶莹剔透,色彩饱满,光泽度高,板面硬度提高,耐磨损,耐粉化,不易褪色。
    5、 具有防滑、防污,防划伤的保护作;无异味,环保,不影响石质等特点。
    1, with wash machine remove to marble surface layer of wax and dirt, water will be sucked clean residue.
    2 and 5-10 grams of polishing powder on the stone surface water mixed with 4, with shape machine, white or red polishing pad in stone material surface grinding, 3-5 minutes per square metre, wet grinding dry grinding can be better effects (again).
    3, marble renovate to 1000 # can, stone by water after renovation, crystal powder water too clean blot, 3-7 days in crystal powder grinding, Prevent stone material surface to form water.
    4 and light, glittering and translucent get rid of stone material surface processing, color, high gloss, hardness, wear resistance, resistance to pulverization, not fade.
    5 and slippery, waterproof, anti-fouling, prevent scratch protection, No smell, environmental protection, do not affect a stone, etc.




销售地址:义乌市物资市场北街07-08号,电话:0570-8522703015857944968QQ1203123,邮箱:1203123@qq.com ,网站:http://www.yiwubaojie.com,阿里巴巴网站:http://yajie1999.cn.alibaba.com/


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