品牌: | 慧得利 |
型号: | HD8头-36头 |
砂带尺寸: | 300 |
砂带速度: | 8 |
额定输入功率: | 50 |
额定电压: | 380V |
最大加工宽度: | 219 |
最小加工长度: | 5 |
重量: | 4000 |
适用范围: | 圆管,方管 |
加工定制: | 是 |
1 为客户解答不锈钢管行业投资咨询问题。
2 根据生产工艺流程要求,厂内管理要求,公司发展等为客户提供工厂规划建议,做出厂房安排,比如功能分区:生产、仓储、办公、生活、堆场等。
3 与客户一起探讨全球不锈钢行业整体发展大势,尤其是对中国不锈钢行业的现状、前景、发展趋势、发展情况、进出口、竞争格局等进行分析及预测。
4 客户可免费参观我司(客户)工厂的不锈钢管生产线。
Pre-sales services:
1 Answer the customers'questions about investment consulting on the field of stAInless steel pipe industry.
2 According to the production process requirements,plant management requirements and the company development, offering factory planning proposals and making plant arrangements for the customers, such as functional area about production, storage,office,living,yard,etc..
3 Discuss the development trend of the global stainless steel industry as a whole with customers, particularly analysis and forecast the status as well as the outlook,trends,development,import and export, competition pattern of Chinese stainless steel industry.
4 Customers can visit the production line of stainless steel pipe in our factory for free.
1 提供机械安装、维护、操作等方面的技术文件及技术支持。
2 提供设备的主要元件材料清单。
3 负责设备的安装指导及设备的调试工作。
4 提供产品保修一年(设备保修范围内,人为及误操损坏不保,易损件不保)。
5 提供保质期后的有偿服务。
6 代办佛山各项事项;客户满意,我们才放心。
After-sales service:
1 Provide technical documentation and technical support about machinery installation,maintenance, operation and so on.
2 Provide the equipment list of main components materials.
3 Responsible for equipment installation and equipment commissioning uidance.
4 Provide one year warranty (man-made damage without insurance,the vulnerability of non-insurance).
5 Provide post-paid warranty service after shelf life.
6 Foshan Charged'Affaires for the customers;It's please'to male our customer satisfied.