品牌: | 若虹 |
床品面料: | 纯真丝 |
床品风格: | 韩式可爱风 |
加工定制: | 是 |
是否支持一件代发: | 支持 |
尺寸规格: | 0.75*0.52 |
图案类型: | 花朵/草/叶子 |
适用人数: | 单人 |
类别: | 枕套 |
淄博德润纺织有限公司,地处具有“天下第一村”美誉、闻名全国的“大染坊”“旱码头”故地-周村,是一家集丝绸、竹纤维、老粗布面料生产、制作于一体的综合企业。我司最新开发了宽幅大提花面料有:竹纤维和天丝、竹纤维和高支棉、真丝和天丝、真丝和高支棉。公司主要从事丝绸睡衣、真丝大提花床品、高支高密竹纤维、蚕丝绒制品、真丝针织服装的产品开发、制作、销售。若虹牌系列手工蚕丝被、手工老粗布、真丝睡衣、竹纤维软凉席、蚕丝绒毯、以纯天然纤维为原材料,织造出若彩虹般时尚美丽的产品,获得了广大消费者的青睐。公司还生产加工出口婴幼儿毯被、枕头、窗帘、浴帘、厨房用纺织品、台布、盘垫、靠垫、坐垫、毛巾、牛仔、丝巾、手绘真丝字画等系列。产品出口美国、日本、欧盟、东南亚等多个国家和地区。严格的质量控制体系,周到细致的服务。采薇天地间,“若虹”来相伴的天然时尚、健康、环保理念是公司秉承的文化思想。公司全体员工热诚欢迎海内外广大客户光临指导共谋发展。Zibo Derun home textile Co., LTD., located in plant has "world" reputation, nationally famous for their "big dyehouse gAIn achievements" "dry dock" pastly - zhoucun, is a collection of silk and bamboo fiber, production in an integrated enterprise. Our latest developed wide-width jacquard fabrics has: bamboo fibre and tencel, bamboo fibre and high cotton, silk and tencel/micro-polyester, real silk and cotton. The company is mainly engaged in silk pajamas, real silk jacquard bed is tasted, the high density of bamboo fiber, silk knitting clothing product development, production, sales. "RUOHONG" brand series manual silk by, silk pajama, bamboo fibre soft mat, silk blanket, with pure-fiber as raw material, weaving out like rainbow fashion beautiful products, won brOAd consumer's favor. The company also produces by export processing pillow, curtain, kitchen textiles, tablecloth, platemat, cushion, towel, jeans, scarves, hand-painted silk calligraphy and painting, etc. The products are exported to USA, Japan, Europ, southeast Asia and other countries and regions. Strict quality control system, the thorough careful service. The company all staff sincerely welcome customers coming guidance and together develop