加工定制: | 否 |
种类: | 豆浆机 |
品牌: | 恒联 |
型号: | DJ70 |
产品用途: | 磨豆 |
适用范围: | 茶餐厅设备,蛋糕房设备,面包房设备,咖啡店设备,西餐店设备,中餐店设备,饮品店设备,休闲速食设备,调料加工厂设备,果蔬加工厂设备,酒厂设备,冷冻食品厂设备,休闲食品厂设备 |
电压: | 220 |
功率: | 10 |
外形尺寸: | 1580*600*1350* |
净重: | 120 |
包装: | 木架 |
投资创业: | 创业,投资创业,小本创业,小额投资 |
适用对象: | 大豆,食品 |
H.L Sonybean Milk and Bean Curd Machine is mand of stAInless steel.The machine is integrated with grinding and boiling functions.It heats by electricity and boils by steam.The heating control system is designed with high automation.These soybean processing machines are widely used for producing soybean milk,bean flower,bean curd slurry and bean curd.They are the best choice for bean curd workshoops and medium-sized or small-sized MESs hall.