品牌: | 雪莱棒 |
型号: | CMMB软管天线 |
类型: | 多款供选 |
增益: | 95 |
频率范围: | 470-860 |
输出阻抗: | 50 |
驻波比≤: | 2 |
最大功率: | 50 |
接头型号: | PCB板固定 |
中国一线品牌手写笔供应商、手写笔行业领航品牌(ShelleyPen)。ATN Shenzhen(深圳市安天纳科技有限公司)是一家专业从事通讯配件及设备组件,集产品研发、生产、销售为一体多元化的高新技术企业。拥有阻尼手写笔国内新型实用专利,公司现有生产的产品广泛应用于多个领域,如手机及无线通信天线部件系列、伸缩产品系列、文教系列。自公司2008年10月1日成立以来,不懈的追求产品设计、工艺和结构的完美。细节与速度是ATN人基本的行动准则。多年来我们一直在为国内外品牌机型提供完善的服务和最优质的产品,深度得到终端用用户的认可。完善的生产解决方案为品质打下坚实的基础,如三洋、索尼、厦普、宇龙、天语、金立、TCL、华为、中兴、三星等优质品牌的通讯终端提供最完美的配件。在TD-SCDMA领域独创手写笔拉杆天线完美的解决了中端市场电阻屏及CMMB接收一体化的方案。ATN的设计人员均来自设计公司或通讯终端公司,故能于客户一起设计,生产时去发现并解决一些问题,而不只是提供产品。在品质保证方面,ATN拥有手写笔、拉杆天线业界最为完善的可靠性测试设备,如天线拉伸寿命可靠性测试设备、天线摇摆可靠性测试设备、天线旋转可靠性测试设备、天线吊重测试机、手写笔Y轴X轴拉力测试机、手写笔笔尖划伤测试机、笔杆万能材料试验机、盐雾测试机、冷光源测试箱。为您提供更完美、更独到的产品,我们一直在努力!真诚期待在相关业务上能与贵司开展多层次的合作。
质量方针---质量在我心中 效益在我手中
质量目标---产品一次交检 合格率99%。
Chinese first-line brand stylus suppliers, the leader brand (ShelleyPen) in stylus field.
ATN Shenzhen (Shenzhen ATN Technology Co., Ltd) is a diversified hi-tech enterprise with the products research&development, manufacturing and sales in communication accessories and equipment components field.
We already have the new utility patents of damping stylus and our present products are widely used in many fields, such as mobile phones and wireless communication antenna parts, scalable products , culture and education series.
Founded on Oct.1st,2008,ATN Shenzhen are relentless pursuit of the perfect on product design, process and structure. DetAIl and speed is the the ATN basic guidelines for action. Over the years we have been devoted to providing perfect service and the best quality products for doMEStic and foreign brands and deeply recognized by the end users.
The perfect manufacturing solutions is the base of high quality. We always offer the best accessories for quality brand communication terminals,such as Sanyo, Sony, Sharp, Yulong, Tianyu, Jinli, TCL, Huawei, ZTE, Samsung ect.
The original stylus rod antenna perfectly solved the integrated program of mid-market resistance screen and CMMB receiver in the field of TD-SCDMA. ATN designers are all from the design or communication terminal company, so we can design,find and solve the production problems with customers together,not just providing products. In quality assurance, ATN has the most complete reliability testing equipment in stylus and rod antenna field, such as antenna stretching life reliability test equipment, antenna swing reliability test equipment, antenna rotate reliability test equipment, antenna hoist testing machine, the Y-axis X-axis tensile testing machine of the stylus, the stylus tip scratch testing machine, pen universal testing machine, salt spray test machine, cold light source test box.We have been working hard to provide you with more perfect, more unique products! We are sincerely look forward to establishing multi-level cooperation with your esteemed company.
Our Advantage: Customization.
The operating philosophy: Detail and Speed.
Company Quality Guidelines:
Quality Guidelines---Quality in my heart; Benefit in my hands
Quality Objectives---First check products ;Pass Rate:99%
Business Type:
Multi-functional physical and modules stylus series:
AOOPO series, G series, W series, J series, ShelleyPen series
Telescopic Products:
Retractable Pens, Telescopic Antenna, Telescopic Guiding Products , Telescopic Camera Tripod, Telescopic Back Scratch, Telescopic Shoe Rake,Telescopic BATon,Telescopic Tableware ,Retractable Barbecue Forks, Telescopic Lens Group, LED Lights Tools ,Telescopic Pipe, Telescopic Flag Seat and related patented products. We are constantly innovating and already developed BBQ related products ,photographic tripod, easel and magnets picking device with light etc.
姓 名:黄中诚|Michael.huang
手 机:137 255 87880
公司电话:086-0755-2969 8969-8068
公司传真:086-0755-8144 1962-8068
贸易 通:Atngroup
QQ:328981248 Msn:michael.hzc@hotmail.com