样品或现货 | 现货 | 是否标准件 | 标准件 |
材质 | N80 | 规格 | R4 R3 R1.6 R1.2 |
是否进口 | | 是否涂层 | |
适用范围 | 轮毂内圆加工 | 是否库存 | 库存 |
是否批发 | 批发 | | |
A40T-SVUCR 16 hilts install 160404FN-27 the bit; Forehead 93 degrees, handle department diameter 40MM; Is suitable in the precision work automobile wheel hub center bore; The hilt bringing exhalant pore inducts for the convenient refrigerant, causes to use the cutting tool not to be easy to distort, the cutting edge is sharp, the chattering, thermostable, the resistance to wear is not universal cutter"s 2-3 ti
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