【绿洋】 Emergy 天然金刚砂、 耐磨金刚砂、 地坪金刚砂
金刚砂又称碳化硅(SiC),是用石碳化硅(SiC)是用石英砂、石油焦(或煤焦)、木屑为原料通过电阻炉高温冶炼而成。碳化硅在大自然也存在罕见的矿物,莫桑石。 碳化硅又称碳硅石。在当代C、N、B等非氧化物高技术耐火原料中,碳化硅为应用最广泛、最经济的一种。可以称为金钢砂或耐火砂。 碳化硅是用石英砂、石油焦(或煤焦)、木屑(生产绿色碳化硅时需要加食盐)等原料在电阻炉内经高温冶炼而成。目前我国工业生产的碳化硅分为黑色碳化硅和绿色碳化硅两种,均为六方晶体,比重为3.20~3.25,显微硬度为2840~3320kg/mm2英砂。
【Product introduction】
Emery, also known as silicon carbide (SiC), is to use stone silicon carbide (SiC) is using quartz sand and petroleum coke or cOAl tar, wood chips as raw material through high temperature electric resistance furnace smelting.There is also a rare mineral silicon carbide in nature, and the mo SangShi.Silicon carbide is also called the moissanite.In contemporary C, N, B the oxide refractory raw materials in the high technology, such as silicon carbide as the most widely used, one of the most economic.Can be called corundum sand or refractory.Silicon carbide is using quartz sand and petroleum coke or coal tar, wood chips (green silicon carbide production need to add salt) such as raw materials in the Canon of high-temperature resistance furnace smelting.At present, the industrial production of silicon carbide can be divided into two black silicon carbide and green silicon carbide, are the six-party crystal, specific gravity of 3.20 ~ 3.25, the microhardness of 2840 ~ 3320 kg/was the sand.
【Product application】
1.Application of a non-ferrous metal smelting industry
The use of silicon carbide with a high temperature, high strength, good thermal performance, impact, for indirect heating temperature materials, such as Kennedy Retort furnaces, distillation furnace trays, aluminum cell, copper melting furnace lining, zinc arc furnace plate, thermocouple protection tubes.
2. Application aspects of the steel industry
The use of silicon carbide corrosion, thermal shock resistance, abrasion, thermal conductivity and good for large-scale blast furnace lining increases the service life.
3. metallurgical processing industry applications
Silicon carbide hardness only to diamond, with strong wear resistance, abrasion-resistant pipes, impeller pump chamber cyclone, an ideal material for ore bucket liner, the wear resistance of cast iron rubber life of 5 -20 tiMES, is one of the ideal material for aviation runway.
4. The application of building materials, ceramics, grinding wheels of industry
Using its thermal coefficient of thermal radiation, high strength characteristics of high fever, manufacturing sheet kiln, kiln capacity not only reduce, but also improves the loading capacity and product quality furnaces, shorten the production cycle, baked glazed ceramic sintering ideal for indirect materials.
5. The application of energy efficiency
Use good thermal conductivity and thermal stability, as heat exchangers, fuel consumption is reduced by 20% to 35% fuel savings, increased productivity by 20-30%, especially mine processing plant with discharge pipeline putting their degree of wear is 6-7 times the normal wear-resistant materials.
【Product packaging】
25 kg/bag, double woven bag packaging, export tons of bags are avAIlable, and can also be adjusted according to customer requirements for production.
温县绿洋耐材紧靠陇海铁路、连霍高速、310国道纵贯东西境内耐火材料矿产资源极为丰富、质优量大、燃料充足,为发展耐火材料工业提供了得天独厚的条件,是生产耐火材料的优质基地。我厂主要生产不定型耐火材料,棕刚玉.金刚砂 白刚玉 黑刚玉 莫来石 尖晶石 耐火砖 耐火球 铝矾土、细粉、高铝骨料、高铝细粉、浇注料、钢包料、捣打料、铁钩捣打料 高温耐火骨料等各种炉料,不定型耐火材料预制件 比如 电炉炉顶预制件 大型高温冶炼炉 等 都远销国内外众多地方,建立了良好的合作关系。同行业中率先通过了国家质量体系认证,有较强的经济实力和较好的发展前景。
Wenxian Green Ocean Refractory Abrasive Co., Ltd is close to Longhai Railway, Lian-Huo Highway and 310 State Road, has very good geographical advantages. Extremely abundant refractory minerals, high quality and large amount of fuel sufficient provide refractory industry a unique development condition, makes Wenxian the high-quality refractory production base. Our factory mainly produces unshaped refractory, brown corundum, corundum, white corundum, black corundum, mullite, spinel, refractory bricks, fire-resistant ball, bauxite, powder, alumina aggregate, alumina powder, casting material, ladle material and other iron furnace charges. Our products are sold home and abroad, we have established good cooperation relations with many companies.
We always hold "integrity first, quality first" philosophy and win lots of praise of new and old customers. All the staffs of our company welcome you to visit our company and hope sincerely cooperate with you for a better future.
工厂地址: 河南温县古温工业区
Contact: Zhong Cheng bo
Telephone: 15238003981
Factory address:Guwen District Wenxian County Henan